Chapter Fifty Two: Mistakes Made

Start from the beginning

Jeez, I feel claustrophobic already.

The arena itself was huge, stretching far and wide enough to encompass at least half of the town's population. Seats were stacked and arranged tightly, leaving barely enough space to even breathe. I couldn't see what the arena's main event was from where I stood. There was a wall at least twice my height that enclosed some sort of area. I wasn't able to hear anything over the yells from the crowd, but whatever was behind the walls probably wasn't safe.

A hand tapped my shoulder and I spun around. I hadn't been able to hear him come up behind me and that worried me a bit. I shook off the feeling.

"Are you a newcomer to the competition?" A young boy about twelve spoke, excitement glinting in his eyes. "This year's the best yet! I can explain what's going on if you want!"

There was obvious pride in his voice and he didn't pause to let me respond, launching into a somewhat detailed explanation.

Okay then...that makes my life a little easier, I guess.

"For this year's competition, they built a gigantic maze thing for all the competitors! It's so big, right? The maze is like a circle and the competitors are released into it at different spots at random times.

"The only rules they gave was that you have to fight whoever you meet. If you don't fight then you're disqualified. You keep going until the other guy is unconscious or yields. Then the loser is taken out of the maze and can't participate anymore.

"The other rule is kinda like the goal of the competition. All of the paths in the maze eventually lead to the center where another arena is. You're supposed to get to the center and then they'll say what to do next. Isn't that cool?!"

I swear this kid must've had too much sugar this morning. How else does he have so much energy?

He finally stopped, apparently out of breath or something.

"...Thanks, kid," I replied awkwardly. "That was helpful -- "

Another Serpentine woman called out from a few seats over, thankfully interrupting and sparing me from going on.

"Tom!" She scolded. "Stop bothering random people who come in!"

She ushered the boy over and muttered a quick apology. I waved to the kid and nodded to the woman -- presumably his mother -- and walked farther away from the roaring crowd.

Now what do I do?

I had to locate the others, fast. I knew they were going to take part in the competition, but how in the world was I supposed to find them?

There was the possibility of actually joining in myself, but that itself would run multiple risks.

First off, I was still injured pretty badly. Even I wasn't dumb enough but to notice. Entering could reopen my wounds, making it ten times harder to do anything.

Second, the rules were you had to fight whoever you came upon. That meant if I ran into one of the others, I'd have to fight them. As much as disliked Sora and Dakota -- and I'd never say it out loud, but -- I needed them.

So I couldn't jeopardize this. Not even if I really wanted to join and help. Let's face it, I'd just get in the way.

"You there! Yeah you, the Lupine," A voice shouted at me. "Are you here to join the  competition?"

I was just getting called out by strangers today, wasn't I?

"Well, not really I don't -- " I tried to say, but I got cut off quickly by an onslaught of words. 

The Serpentine lady steamrolled over my interjection, apparently determined to have her say. "That's great! We need another competitor and you fit the perfect description! Having another Lupine join in would make the crowd's day. There are already a few participants from the Feline and Avian tribes. At this rate, we'll have a full set!"

"No, seriously, sorry but I'm not here to -- "

She waved away my protests, dragging me by the hand down the hall and towards some sort of contraption that looked like a stage. A weird, wooden stage with rusted gears put together below it.

"This is going to be a hit! Just stand on that platform and soon you'll be up and going for the glory!"

Half the time I don't even know what she's saying...

Shocked into obedience, I hesitantly stood on the platform. The Serpentine lady beamed at me and promptly turned and -- I'm not even kidding -- skipped away. 

What just happened? Why am I here?

I looked up, seeing a hatch above me leading to who knows where. It felt like the walls were about to cave in, though I knew that probably wasn't likely. If it felt claustrophobic before, now it was almost suffocating. I wanted out of here.

Just as I was about to step off the platform, the ground suddenly rumbled and I froze. And then the floor started rising, along with my panic.

"Hey!" I yelled into the dark. "What's going on?!"

There was no reply and above me, the hatch swung open, narrowly missing my head. The cheers had previously been muted, but now they came back full force. I squinted my eyes against the sun, too afraid to move while the platform was still shifting.

The platform shuddered to a stop, and I waited for my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

What the -- ?!

"Give it up for the prize contestant!" A loud voice echoed around the arena, apparently coming from a stand situated high up above the crowds. Someone figure was standing with a cone-shaped object that amplified his voice tenfold. It looked kind of like a conch shell, now that I thought about it.

"Remaining contestants, please make your way to the center of the maze! You will receive further instructions upon arrival!"

Confused and disoriented, I glanced around at the walls surrounding me. They curved around, giving me ample space to move around. The crowds were a good distance away, cheering from the sloping hills that made up some of the stadium's walls. It was almost I was in the center of the maze.

Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm not in the maze right now.

Then the first few contestants stepped in from various exits that presumably led to the rest of the maze.

Let me be wrong...

I met his disbelieving gaze from across the sandpit. And her's. And his. All of them. And a few others that I didn't recognize.

Ash. Sora. Dakota.

They were all here. At the center of the maze.

With me.

(Side Note: Alright, things are getting a little more interesting now...)

This one's not as impressive, but tada!

This one's not as impressive, but tada!

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