Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes

Start from the beginning


I stop punching and suddenly notice the blood coating my hands and the unconscious man's gruesome face. Horror shrieks through me, Shit. I Let myself drift too far this time!
His head is a bloody pulp; a gore-filled stump smeared against the floor. I look up at Loki who's standing in his doorway his eyes wide with alarm. I'm overwhelmed with burning shame I fear may swallow my whole, as my rage fades away. But then, I notice a threatening presence looming behind me, and suddenly a large knife pushes against my throat.

"So, you must be the mysterious Executioner everyone's been afraid of." A gruff, hot voice sneers into my ear. I freeze not daring to move.

"Your nothing but a little girl." He chuckles his voice low and dangerous, and I try not to gag as I catch the hot stench that rolls off him. He reeks like booze, smoke and weeks of unwashed sweat.

"I'm going to take my time and enjoy killing you. Perhaps I'll even keep your head as a nice little trophy." He threatens, his knife biting into my throat.

Suddenly I hear a whoosh as Loki hurtles his dagger. It soars from his doorway and zooms past me before plunging into my attacker with a thud. The force of it knocks us both down and in the chaos, I swipe the knife from the thugs hand while he struggles to yank Loki's dagger out of his shoulder. I immediately lean down and slice his throat in one fluid motion. He lets out a shocked gurgle as blood spurts from his throat and coats my face with his warm and metallic tasting blood. Disgusting.

A part of me twists with remorse. Not over the fact that I killed him, but with regret that I didn't give him the far more painful and gruesome death he deserved. I watch him flounder as his life drains away before stepping away from his body feeling both justified, and nauseous. I turn to look at Loki, who has made no attempt to leave his room.

"You saved my life." I say amazed. My heart leaps in my chest, maybe I'm winning him over. Maybe he's finally starting to see me as a friend. I hesitate, wait a second.. How was he able to do that?

"How'd you break the enchantment?" I ask, eyeing him suspiciously.

His thin lips spread into a sly smile and his emerald green eyes shimmer. "You have your tricks, I have mine."

I put my hands on my hips and stare at him feigning disinterest until he continues, "Fine." He snaps, "Since you're clearly so desperate to know, I'll tell you. I've been weakening the enchantment little by little since I first arrived." Then he sighs, seemingly frustrated. "But that's as much as I can do, I still can't escape this despicable room. And since I have now alerted Dr. Strange to my ability to weaken his spell, by saving you." He adds giving me a pointed look. "Then I'm going to require you to immediately use that ring on your hand and get me the Hel out of here."

I smirk, relieved that he can't escape without my help. "What's in it for me?" I say, mimicking his lofty and calculating voice.

His expression sours, "You get to keep your life." He taunts, baring his teeth in a wicked grin.

I turn around and use the ring to close the portal behind me, while chuckling quietly at his empty threats. I consider his offer; I have no intention of letting him escape before Thor arrives. It just wouldn't do, to have him wandering around the Sanctum causing chaos. And neither can I afford to lose track of him; he must remain confined. But I do want to earn his trust and eventually his friendship. I hoped that by stealing a book of spells, he'd be more inclined to trust me. Not that I intend on handing it over. I know Strange will realize it's missing before long, after all, there was a reason I stole it in broad daylight. I suspect he'll be here any second now. I turn back to Loki, stalling as I slowly pull the book from my purse.

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