Chap 7: Choke On Lies

Start from the beginning

"I've never been better." I say smoothly, trying to be convincing. And for once it doesn't feel like an outright lie, it feels almost true. I do feel better than normal, because finally I have something to look forward to. I'm going to leave this boring planet and its boring people. I roll my shoulders back and stand up taller, everything is going to work out. I head down the hall and pass Loki's room, when I hear his voice call after me.

"Going somewhere?" His head is cocked to the side and he has an amused grin on his narrow face.

I pause, uncertain how to respond, I don't want to admit to him that I'm going to see a therapist.

"You never get dressed up to see me." He teases with a taunting smirk. "So, I assume you and I aren't training today?"

"We will later. And as to where I am going... well, that's on a need to know basis. Perhaps I'm going to seduce your captors to acquire your freedom. Or maybe I'm going to betray you, either way it's none of your concern." I snap.

"I can escape without your help you know." He retorts as I walk away.

I just smile to myself, sure you can Princess. Keep dreaming.

Once I'm downstairs I find Wong in the kitchen, he's drinking tea and doesn't look at me when I enter the room. "I know I'm not supposed to leave the house, but today is my appointment with Dr. Sanchez, and I'd like to go."

He nods briskly, "I will take you myself."

I grin, "Thank you Wong. I really appreciate it."

"And I will pick you up as soon as you are finished. So, don't try anything." He warns, his tone firm.

"Of course not. I wouldn't dream of it." I lie.

We waves his hand and conjures a portal using the sling ring. Frustration needles me, I have to find a way to get that ring from him or it's gonna take me forever to get to Brooklyn. I'm debating how to best steal it as he escorts me through the portal. On the other side of the portal is the door to Dr. Sanchez office, Wong raises his hand and knocks twice. The hall is brightly lit, and it makes my eyes throb, this place always feels so bright and sterile; its unnatural. Dr. Sanchez appears at the door, wearing a blue button-down blouse and black slacks, her reading glasses hanging around her neck. Her brown eyes light up when she sees me and she smiles, her white teeth contrasting against her warm, brown skin.

"Kamilla, so good to see you!" She looks at Wong and adds "Always a pleasure Master Wong." Then she raises her eyebrows, her expression questioning me silently.

"He's my escort today," I mumble quickly, "He thinks I'm gonna sneak off."

"I see." Dr. Sanchez says in her judgement-free therapist way of talking. She turns to Wong, "You can rest assured Kamilla is safe with me."

Wong just nods, "I'll be back in half an hour." He says, before exiting through the portal. Dr Sanchez ushers me inside and I plop down on the familiar white sofa. The smooth leather surface creaks beneath me as I wiggle myself between the black throw pillows, trying to get comfortable. I look around at anything but her, the office looks the same as it always does, spacious, inviting and neat. And the entire left wall is covered in windows that overlook the beautiful New York city skyline. We're practically up in the clouds, here on the thirty-sixth floor, and every time I look out the window from this height, I feel like I could leap out and soar through the sky. Some days, all I wanted was to jump out that window and end it all, but not anymore. I know that's no way to solve my problems.

"So how have you been Kamilla? I haven't seen you in two weeks." Dr Sanchez prods gently.

"I made a friend." I announce proudly.

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