Chapter 6: part one

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Chapter 6, Part 1

It was a almost four whole months after Harry had met the Earl Phantomhive. They were really getting off to a good start.

Slowly, but surely, Ciel was beginning to act his age. The servants had also improved in their skills little by little. It seemed that lessons were working. Sebastian was warming up to the cute bugger too. It seemed that lessons were working.

Harry never changed.

His father's were way too hard to ever forget, they were ingrained in his brain.

Today was Harry's birthday, or at least what Harry knew as his birthday. This was the anniversary of the day that Undertaker had first taken in Harry, July 31st.

Instead of waking in his bed as he usually did, he awoke in his father's larger bed (which he only used July 30th and 31st).

On his birthday, Undertaker liked to sleep with Harry. It was almost like a reassurance that his little boy would always be his little boy.

It actually didn't bother his son much. Harry would unabashedly admit that he liked being treated as a child once in a while, hugged, cuddled, shown affection. He didn't get that often with his old caretakers who didn't really take much care of him.

When Harry was younger, Undertaker had to show him some form of affection everyday otherwise his son would have panic attacks and think that his father didn't love him anymore.

And Harry had also gotten lost once with in the Shinigami realm on business. That was a disaster. Both father and son had been so shaken that neither allowed the other out of arm's reach for two whole weeks.

Of course that new recruit Sutcliff had to freak his adorable child out!

To this day, Undertaker would still give Grell the cold shoulder.

Getting back on track, Harry's many escapades are what caused him to wake up in his adopted father's rather long arms. He wriggled a bit to get his own arms free. His eye itched! Undertaker's hold on Harry only tightened.

"Daddy," Harry whined, knowing it was no use and falling limp.

Undertaker moaned quietly, his grip becoming even tighter as he grew more alert. "Mmm? Harry, dear? Why is your face turning such an unbecoming shade of blue?" He asked, bewildered.

"Daddy, air! I need air!"

"Oh!" Undertaker quickly let go of the choking child in his arms.

Harry hacked and coughed before finally calming down and collapsed on Undertaker's chest in exhaustion. "D... Daddy... 'm tired now," he groaned.

The undertaker merely chuckled.

"Come, dear. Your friends will be so disappointed to learn that you cannot come over for your own birthday party. And, just think, Lau is coming back from his month of overseas work. What will Ran-Mao think when she can't see her beloved 'bao bao xiong'?"

Harry's face heated up with a light blush, remembering when Ran-Mao had first started calling him her 'cuddle bear'.

With effort, he pushed himself off of his dad and made his way to the closet. Undertaker, his usual grin in place, sauntered playfully to his side.

"What shall we wear today, my lovely baby boy?"

Harry grimaced. "Old man, enough with the endearments. You're going over board."

Undertaker pouted. "But I thought this one was quite nice!"

"Daddy, please stop."

"Damn puppy eyes... Anything he wants... Got to give him... Don't want to..."

It's safe to say that Harry won this battle.

Puppy dog eyes: 1

Resistance: 0

Undertaker gasped and grabbed his head in pain.

"What's... happening?"

The scar above his heart pounded and surged with heat.


The memories rushed into his head like a torrent. Lime green eyes snapped open.


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