10. The explanation and farewell

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Roxas woke up in a flash and sat up too. "XION!" He exclaimed in fear. "Yes, what's Roxas?": Xion answered. Roxas turned to that voice and what he saw made him fall in love with a stone. "Xion but you ... I saw you ... you broke up ... did not you?" Asked Roxas, quite perplexed. The sun has set and they sit dark. "But Naja DiZ and Riku helped me a lot.", She explained to him. "Oh, yes, I'll remember when we met in the mansion," Roxas said. Xion laughed and Axel and Riku also started. Roxas laughed too and then got up and Xion did the same. "But how can you be here when you're here, can not Sora wake up?" Roxas wondered. "But already now DiZ Namine and Riku have given me a body with a heart and now I am here." She explained to him. Roxas saw Xion and Riku alternate because he can not believe it. "Roxas, you have to go back. Back to Sora, you're his no one you understand. You'll recognize me and if you're in another body I'll recognize you. ", Xion continued. "Namine told me when I'm destroyed then all of them do not even forget me they can hold a little memory of me when then I or both of them I was ready for that you understand I could not help drawing the memories of you that you had from Sora gone and believed they are my memories but in fact they were Soras if I had not dissolved Sora could never wake up you understand Roxas. "she said.

All have long been embraced by the darkness and are illuminated only by light the light of the moon and the stars. "But if you're here, then Sora cannot take over the memories anymore or anything like that!" He asked irritated. "Roxas, Xion has a copy of Sora's memories in it, and if we can keep the right memories in there, there may be copies of the memories in them, and that's just how it is.": Riku intervened now too. Roxas looked at Riku and still could not believe what they were telling him. "It is better if we go back. Back to Twilight Town and then to Namine! "Xion suggested. Axel, Riku and the other three nodded and went with Xion direction train. Roxas was still standing there looking after them. He only took a quick look at the moon and then ran to them and went with them.

When they got to the top of the train and got on the train, they sat down and it was just silence in the wagon. Xion just went for a breath of fresh air and went out the door. Roxas went to her and leaned against the garland beside her. "Do you know ..": she started. Roxas looked over at her and listened to her. "... how much does it hurt if a good friend cannot remember his friends?" She asked him. "No, I do not know!": He answers her. "I have always hated to look at your insecure face which means 'who is she' every time I told myself Xion do not give up he will soon remember and then you'll eat ice cream again!" : she explained to him with two tears running down her cheeks. Roxas looked at her and tried to grab her shoulder as she buried herself in his T-shirt. Roxas put his arms around her. "Alright, I remember it now or not?" Roxas asked her. Xion just nodded and buried her face in the Roxas T-shirt.

Riku looks down but then looks to Axel. "I'll take a look at them okay." Said Riku and went to the door opened and what he saw there he did not like at all. He saw Xion in the arms of Roxas. "We'll be there soon, I just wanted to let you know." He tried to draw attention to him. Xion looked up and looked into Roxa's face. When they both realized how close they were to each other, they jumped apart and blushed slightly. "Did you hear me?": Ask Riku the two. "Um, yes we have.": Both say at the same time. Xion went past Riku and went in and sat next to Axel.

Riku just looked at Roxas evilly and then went in and sat next to Xion talking to Axel. Roxas just looked at the clock tower for a moment and then went in for the others as well and sat next to Olette who was just telling jokes with Pence and Hayner. Roxas looked at Xion and then at Axel, remembering the time he spent with them on the clock tower.

When they arrived at the station everyone went their way and went home. Axel Xion and Riku stopped in front of the clock tower and Roxas was about to leave. "Here we have to say goodbye," Axel said to Roxas. "As? What do you mean Axel? "Roxas asked him perplexed. "Roxas you have to go to Sora you can not stay here now Sora has to wake up again," Xion told him. "But I've only just remembered", tells Roxas. "You must also if you have remembered.": Riku explains to him now. Roxas looked down and leaves a sad look behind. "It's hard for me and Axel, but we can not help it. Roxas, you have to go." She spoke before Axel next to her a gate to the place where Sora has created sleep.

Roxas looked at the gate and saw a kind of silver tulip. Axel only saw Xion and Riku nodding. "You have to go, Roxas, it's time Sora wakes up again!" Axel told him. Roxas then looked at the three just nodded and walked towards the gate. Xion ran to him and hugged him before he went through the gate. Axel went also and pressed both to themselves. "That you will not forget us again.": Warned Xion Roxas while hugging him and closing his eyes. Roxas just nodded and they released the hug, and Axel and Xion walked away from Roxas, clearing the way for the gate. Roxas looked at the three for one last time and then went through the gate.

On the other side, he looked back and saw the gate close. Suddenly the shell in the Sora opened and Roxas looked at him. "So you're Sora ... That means ... it's time ... I envy you, ... Sora. My summer holidays ... are well ... over. "Said, Roxas. Before everything became known, only one of Roxa's "Sora" came.

"Who is there!" Asked Sora. "Sora!" Said a familiar voice. "Sora! Wake up!: Then a second familiar voice called. It all became visible again and Sora woke up and can not remember anything that had happened during his sleep. Outside this shell were two people a dog named "Goofy" and a duck called "Donald". The two looked at each other when they heard a noise. And with that sound, this shell opens up in the Sora. Sora stretched and looked out of the shell and saw Donald and Goofy laughing. He jumped out and hugged her. "Donald, Goofy!" Sora said, looking at them. They took their hands and jumped in circles.

Jiminy climbs out of Sora's pocket and stretches on his shoulder. "What a nap!" He gave up and jumped to the floor. "You mean, we slept?": Sora asked him. "Otherwise we would not be as drowsy.": Said and turned to them. "When do you think we fell asleep?": Goofy now also speaks up. Donald made only a sound. "Let's see, we defeated Ansem ..." explains Sora. "Jap!" Answers Goffy. "... restored the peace, hit Kairi ... oh yes, and then we searched for Riku again. Is that going to happen? "Says Sora. "And on?" Asked Donald. Sora and the others think. "What does your diary say, Jiminy?" Goffy asked him.

Jiminy looks at his diary to see how they got there. However, this is empty except on one page. "Hmm. There is only one sentence! Thank Naminé. Hmm, you know who that is? "Jiminy told them. Sora, Donald, and Goofy looked at each other and just shook their heads. "It's a great diary!" Said, Donald. Jiminy takes a few steps back and then again. "Let's go out and see where we are," Jiminy suggested.

Together, they went outside and looked around. Sora was most familiar and said he was in this city before. But then he thought that was probably imagined and they went on. They met Hayner Pence and Olette, who spoke of a man in black with big round ears, then they should go to the clock tower square.

Once there, they were attacked by Heartless. The three fought and fought but there were more and more Heartless. They were too exhausted and she sinks to the ground. Suddenly a small figure in black came and fought against the Heartless. When he had defeated them all, Donald and Goofy jumped on Sora as they recognized the figure and called it "His Majesty." The figure made only an "shh" and said to them "Get on the train and leave the city! The train knows where it's going. ": * So he handed Sora a small sack and then disappeared. Sora asked if she would like to join him in another adventure. And so her new adventure began.

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