7. A dangerous fight

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Hayner and Pence talk to each other. Olette watches Roxas looking out the window all the time. Roxas was still looking out of the window and then turns to the door and then to Riku and back to the window. "What does Roxas find so interesting about Xion?" Thought Olette.

Axel and Xion came back in and sat down to Riku and talked with each other. Riku pointed to Xion's bag. Xion knew what he meant and took out the ice and gave each one. The three quickly ate their ice cream before it melted. Xion got up and stretched. Riku looked out the window and saw that the beach is not far away. "Hey, I would say we are judging and together we will arrive at the train station where the beach is," said Riku. Xion and Axel nodded and aligned, and so did Riku.

"You go to the beach too?" Asked Hayner. "Yes, why you?" Asked Riku. "Yes." Said Hayner. Hayner got up and went to Axel and stopped in front of him. "I'm sorry about that on the clock tower I agree with Roxas he's not ours." Said Hayner, holding out his hand. "That's fine. Sorry accepted. "Said Axel and took Hayner's hand. They let go of the opposite hand. Xion and Riku laughed and looked at Axel grinning. "Since we're friends now, we can have fun together, right?" Hayner asked. "Yes, we can.": Said Xion who has gone next to Axel and laughs.

The train arrived at the station and stopped. Everyone got out and walked down the stairs to the beach. Hayner ran ahead and reserved a place in the shadow. The others went quietly to this place. Xion talked to Riku, who just listened to her. Pence spoke to Axel and laughed too. Olette walked quietly next to Roxas and said nothing. Roxas just looked forward and hoped he would be in the field soon.

When they arrived, Axel leaned back against a tree. Xion sat next to him on the tree and Riku in front of Axel. Pence sat next to Hayner and Riku. Roxas was sitting behind Hayner next to Xion on the tree. Olette sat down next to Hayner and said nothing. Roxa's body throbbed again and a new image passed through his head.

Roxas jumped and fell backward. Xion and Axel immediately looked back to see if everything was ok with him. "Nothing happens I'm fine." He said to the two. "He's fine," Axel said to the others. Olette kept looking at Roxas, who suddenly could not stand on the tree, she just wanted to get up when someone else got up. Xion got up and stood in front of him, shaking his hand. Roxas took his hand and propped himself up from the floor with his other hand. Xion helped him up so that he was sitting normally on the tree again. "Thanks." Roxas thanks her. "Nothing to thank for. But there are friends for it or. "She said and laughed at him.

10 minutes later, Xion was ahead of everyone. "Why are we actually here?" She asked everyone. Everyone looked at each other but then at Xion. "We wanted to go swimming.": All except Olette answer. "And why are we sitting here?" She also asked. Hayner jumped up and held out his hand to the sky. "Let's go swimming." He shouted, heading for the water.
"I do not want to worry about it, I'll have fun." Olette thought and ran after Hayner. The others ran after him except Riku, Axel, and Xion. "He'll remember soon Xion believes me," Axel said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Axel is right then we can give him and also Axel a heart and you can live like us, Jemande." Said Riku and grins at her meanly. "Riku what are you doing?" She asked him. Riku just said nothing and took her in his arms and ran towards the sea. When he got there and went in. He threw her 1 to 2 meters away into the water. Xion dived under it and then swam back to the water surface. Axel and the others laughed including Riku, Xion, and Olette.

Xion was then submerged at once. "XION !!": Roxas and Axel screamed in fear. Roxas jumped into the water and dived down. Suddenly, heartless people appeared all over the beach. "You three are behind us," Axel says to them, who is 2-3 yards away with the back of Riku's back. "But what about Roxas and Xion?" Asked Hayner and the other two from one mouth. "He's fine.

Roxas dived deeper and finally saw Xion fighting a stupid thing. Xion had made her keyblade appear and fight the Heartless. Xion was already shut up because she has no air left. A keyblade also appeared in Roxa's hand and he did not even look at it and attacked this thing. Roxas fought only the rest and watched as they disappeared. Roxas swam to Xion. Xion saw only a blur outline until her black eyes. Roxas took her and swam up as fast as possible.

They arrived at the top of the surface. "Xion, wake up," Roxas said to Xion. Roxas just pressed a fist against her stomach and water came out of her mouth. "Xion.": Roxas hoped that she would say something. "Roxas you?" She asked weakly. "Yes, I'm all right?" He asked. "Could be better.": Xion answers him. Xion and Roxas swam to another place to go ashore. When they came out of the water they were already surrounded by heartless people. Xion released her keyblade, as did Roxas. Roxas looked at Xion and wonders why she has the same weapon. He is suddenly sure that they are friends but how they became friends he does not know.

Axel and the others are done with their Heartless, although the majority went elsewhere, heading for Xion and Roxas. "Oh no. They are still attracted to the sword. "Axel said to Riku. Riku nodded and walked over to them. "You pack your things and go back please," Axel said to them and ran after Riku. The three ran to their belongings grabbed them and ran to the train that they still reach him that they can get away from here.

Axel and Riku have arrived and beat each other through the Heartless. "Hey, you two could use a little help or." Said Riku. Axel and Riku joined the two. "Let's do it so Riku 225 Xion 225 Roxas 225 and I 225 okay. Agreed? "Asked Axel. Everyone nodded and each one started going for his Heartless and fought each other. There were more and the four are about to collapse. They made it but just in time. But what happened next did not please Axel, Riku, and Xion.

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