Trinity slowly let out the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding in. Even though it had just been a cat this time she still wasn't taking anymore chances. Turning back to her path Trinity ran the rest of the way to her house.

As soon as she was safely in her home she threw her bag down on the floor of her little room and plopped down in her old desk chair. After a few hours of doing her excruciatingly boring homework she curled up in bed and took out her phone to text Chris.



Chrisy boo

Hey hunny how the day been so far?



Chrisy boo

That bad huh?



Chrisy boo

What's wrong?


Am I a burden?

Chrisy boo

What? No of course not! Why would you think that?


Well it's just that I'm always talking about my problems (which I have alot of) and expecting you to care enough to try and make me feel better or tell me how to fix it. I don't want to be that girl who's always bothering her friends just because she doesn't know how to deal with her own life ya'know?

Chrisy boo

Can I tell you a secret love?



Chrisy boo

Nobody knows what to do with their life dork, that's the whole reason why  we have friends


Idk... I just feel like I put to much pressure on you all the time.

Chrisy boo

You know I don't mind it when you vent right? I like knowing that I have the power to help someone else be happier cause if I can make you happy then maybe I can make myself happy

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