Death, Flowers & Brothers

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"Jin!" Hoseok sprang up.

Hoseok had also been there before you answered the door that day. He saw you had collapsed on the ground through the window, possibly dreaming, but as you did a soft dusty light surrounded you, it glittered softly like gold under the lamp light that sat in the corner of your living room. As a living human being, you did something that was truly truly impossible. Entering the gates of heaven alive.

"She can enter heaven! I witnessed it-I thought I was mistaken but, the smell of the flowers!"

Hoseok explained his findings to Jin who was no longer even surprised. He drank a bit of his bottled water, annoyance ripping through his body causing the window of his office to crack. It was so frustrating, he needed to know who you were for the future of all Olympians. For the future, yours and his future."

"She said she dreamed of a rose and a garden- is it possible...that she travels to the heavens when she thinks she is dreaming?"

Hoseok grinned, still in shock but excited to find such an interesting human. Humans died entering the heavens unaccompanied. It usually meant instant vaporisation, but Astra was no ordinary human and she certainly was not a demon.

"So you and Astra...." he watched wondering what was going through his older brothers head.

"What about us?" Jin asked curtly.

He stared at Hosoek daring him, Hoseok wasn't backing down. He was already too intrigued...he wanted to know what it was about you, why did your body leave him so drunk and so needy? He nearly woke you up that morning with his lips back on yours, before remembering he had to respect you and your boundaries.

"You marked her." Hoseok stated "Not only physically you left a charm in that why you're really upset, because we want her too?"

Jin said nothing, it was strange, he couldn't quite give you up even he knew deep down you were trouble. He couldn't complain, he came down to the mortal plain because it was chaotic, you were gifted to him by the fates, you were his excitement.

"You haven't marked a women since, well since-" Hoseok continued.

"You mean the demon girl?" Jin interrupted bitterly. "Why must you have her? You went to deliver documents to her house and told her that I told you to deliver them, you thought I would never find out?"

Hoseok smiled coolly. He explained he wasn't hiding their fun evening, in detail he described to Jin how he enjoyed your lips around his dick and how delicious you tasted. Another larger crack caused by Jin's rage appeared in the glass. Hosoek surveyed the cracks, annoyed that everything his older did was beautiful, even in anger, he was able to create such beautiful things.

"What do you feel for her?" Hoseok asked him eventually. "Do you love her?"

"I don't know." There was a cracking noise, faint, but they both heard it. Jin sat back in his desk chair hiding his anger with a blank face. Jin wasn't honest with himself. Ever.
"She has a charm you saw her...she seduces without her even knowing it..."

"It's more than that, that's why the glass is marked her Jin. You fucking stole her for yourself. Is that why you moved her desk into here? For once Jin, be honest with yourself."

Jin wanted nothing more than to punch Hoseok in the face for being so clearly obnoxious right then, he knew he was doing it for a reaction. Taking a deep breath in, he tired to calm himself down, he couldn't turn on his brother. Not now. Not when he didn't even know what you were, you could've been something terrible and he was turning on his brother for you. He loved all his younger bothers dearly, they were all he had.

"You always found her attractive but you ignored it, even when you started to suspect that she knew-" Hosoek continued mercilessly.

"Why did you ignore it?" Jin interrupted Hoseok again, watching Hoseok'a every move.

"I thought it was a glitch, that my powers were acting up." Hoseok replied.

Jin opened one of his drawers finding a bottle of scotch, pouring into his glass and knocking it back, savouring the burn at the back of his throat. It was true Jin suspected something was wrong, he wanted to ignore it too. He didn't touch her at the time because he knew deep down his charm wouldn't even work on her, that somehow he would be turned down and he was right. You had a mind of your own, a will stronger than any weapon forged, he wondered where that would've gotten you in the end.

Hoseok spoke up again: "had you waited a little longer I would have done the same...I would have marked her, because Jin here's the thing I want her wether she's a demon or not and so do the rest of us."

Jin sighed to himself. It wasn't that you could've been a demon, it was the other that he feared. Between the two of them, they knew you weren't a demon. It was just out of mutual respect nothing was said and nothing was done. Like Hoseok has said they were staring lose their mind, you were so alluring soon it wouldn't matter what Jin had said. 

"She's not a price to be won Hoseok."

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