"Thanks for doing that by the way" Sasha smirked, her head now resting on Lux's shoulder, "I know you hated going in there and talking to ... what do you call them?"

"Birds" Lux said out loud and the two laughed, "But no problem. Plus, I really wanted a girl's night".

"A girl's night, really Lux" Sasha chuckled as she stood up and began to change.

She pulled her shirt over her head as always, revealing her wife beater underneath. Lux watched her as she pulled her hair into a high bun, and then pulled down her pants that hid boy shorts underneath.
Next, she began to feed her bunny a few carrots from her back pack, and Lux just couldn't help but steal a few more glances before redirecting her attention.

"Yes really" Lux nodded as she began to dig through her book bag for her work, "We'll do each other's hair, make up, pillow fights ~"

Seeing Sasha's expression, she doubled over in laughter.

"I'm kidding, peaches" she smiled, calling Sasha her nick name she came up with, "We can do whatever you want to do".

"Like what, watch sports?" Sasha smirked.

Lux twisted her mouth, "If we must, but..."

"You know its always a but with you" Sasha rolled her eyes upwards.

"I like to negotiate" Lux shrugged.

"Fine, go head. But..."

Before Lux could answer, Sasha's laptop began to go off and they both knew exactly who it was.

"What up Sash" Chris smiled once the video clicked on, and Sasha nodded.

"What's up"

Lux rolled her eyes as she pretended to look through their literature book, however she was all ears in their conversation.

"Nothing much...I see you're alone today" Chris scoffed.

"Actually I'm not" Sasha smiled uneasily, next turning the camera towards Lux.

"Oh...Lux" Chris said as if it was no surprise, and Lux caught his tone.

She snickered to herself, and Sasha immediately caught the tension between the two. Deep down she had a feeling it had to do with the fact that she was having a hard time balancing two close friends. While she was use to only talking to her best friend Chris, now that Sasha actually had friends in Philly, plus basketball practice and school work, she didn't have time to chat anymore. Chris was used to talking to Sasha for hours, whereas now the two only talked a few times a week for a few minutes at a time. And while Sasha blamed it on being busy, Chris felt it was really Lux that was taking up all her time. Lux was always around, and while at first he thought she was cool he began to feel differently.

"Hey Chris, don't worry I won't listen as you confess your love to Sasha"

"Ha...very funny. Hit me up later Sash" Chris said suddenly not in the mood to talk.

"You sure?" Sasha asked him, "We just got on the call"

"Yeah I'm sure, plus I know you're busy with school work. Just, text me"

Sasha could read him very well, and made a note to talk to him when Lux wasn't around.

"Okay, By~"

Without saying bye, Chris closed out the chat and Sasha scrunched her brows.

"Everyone is acting so weird today" she said as she laid back down onto the bed.

"Don't worry about him, he's just jealous" Lux smirked knowingly.

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