
Start from the beginning

Dean held his breath to avoid breathing in any more of the remains, disgust evident in his expression. "Oh, that's just gross."

Sybil nodded in agreement as Dean began to pour salt onto the bones. 

"Soak it up," Dean said as the flashlight behind him began flickering. 

The flashlight caught Sybil's attention, causing her to grow worried. The sensation of someone's presence began to grow rapidly, resulting in her shivering. Dean grabbed the lighter fluid, pouring the liquid onto the body of the deceased doctor. 

"Dean, hurry, something is here," Sybil whispered. 

Dean gagged as he accidentally inhaled some of the remains. At this time, the flashlight went completely out, scaring Sybil. Before she could speak up once more, a table pushed Dean onto the floor, causing Sybil to scream. The doctor's spirit appeared, jumping onto Dean's body and grabbing his face into his hands.

"Don't be afraid. I'm going to help you. I'm going to make you all better."

"Sybil," Dean called out, "burn it!"

Sybil searched through Dean's duffle for a lighter, but the pressure made it harder for her to find it. Running out of time and options, she turned towards the already soaked body and placed her hand above. 

"Think about the dancing flame," she whispered to herself. "Dancing flame, dancing flame."

She imagined the flame dancing onto the tips of her fingers, remembering the tingling of her hands as she played with the fire. Suddenly, she felt the same tingling feeling in her hands as a small flame ignited on the tip of her pointer finger. The fire made contact with the lighter fluid, igniting the doctor's body.

Ellicott realized that his body was on fire, releasing Dean from his grasp. Once released, Dean backed away from the spirit and watched as it lit turned to stone and hit the floor, shattering to pieces. Sybil ran to Dean, hugging him tightly.

"Dean," Sybil cried, refusing to let go. "I was so scared."

"You did good, Sybs," Dean exhaled sharply as he rubbed her back. "You saved my ass again."

Sam slowly pushes himself off of the ground, facing Dean and Sybil, confused of the events that just happened. Sybil, thinking he's probably still possessed, hid behind Dean in fear, causing Dean to turn and face Sam. 

"You're not gonna kill me, are you?"

"No," he replied."

Dean nodded. "Good, 'cause that would be awkward."

                    AFTER THE COUPLE THANKED THE WINCHESTERS, they separated ways and made their way back home. The three siblings stood there for a minute before Sam decided to speak up. 

"Hey, Dean, Billie. I'm sorry. I said some awful things back there."

Dean looked at Sam. "You remember all that?"

"Yeah," Sam said, nodding. "It's like I couldn't control it, but I didn't mean it– any of it."

"It's ok, Sammy," Sybil said, hugging his waist. "I forgive you!"

Sam smiled at the small girl before picking her up. Dean remained unfazed. "You didn't, huh?"

"No, of course not."

Dean nodded, somewhat sarcastically, causing Sam to step forward. "Do we need to talk about this?"

"No, no. I'm not really in the sharing and caring kind of mood. I just want to get some sleep," Dean said, throwing his duffle in the car and getting in the driver's seat. 

Sam just shrugged and put Sybil in the backseat, buckling her seatbelt for her and hopped into the passenger seat himself.

                    AFTER DRIVING FOR WHAT SEEMS LIKE a couple of hours, Sam looked behind him to see a sleeping Sybil. He sighed, grabbing Dean's attention.

"What," he asked.

Sam just shook his head. "It's Sybil."

Concern washed over Dean's face. "What about Sybil?"

"When we were looking for Gavin, she started talking about how she always wants to help and that we don't let her because we see her as nothing more than a kid," Sam recalled. "She started asking why we would even care for her when her mom doesn't."

"She said that?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, I guess leaving her behind at the motel reminded her of the time when her mom left her behind at the orphanage."

"It's for her own good," Dean defended. "We just don't want her to get hurt."

"I know," Sam agreed. "I told her that, but I don't think she buys it."

Dean looked at the rearview mirror to see Sybil fast asleep with Dean's leather jacket over her small body. He sighed, knowing that taking care of her wasn't as easy as he thought.

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