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IV. Billie


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                    DAY BROKE AND MISSOURI CAME BACK to ensure that there are no spirits left in the house. On the other hand, Sybil was fast asleep in the back seat of the car with Dean's leather jacket draped over her. Jenny had given Dean old pictures of him that were hidden in the attic of the house.

"Thank you for these," Dean acknowledged, going through each picture.

"Don't thank me, they're yours," Jenny heartened, a tight smile appearing on her lips. "Is she going to be okay?"

Dean placed the pictures back into the box it was founded in and looked at Sybil. "I think so..."

Missouri had ultimately finished walking through the house and took a seat next to Sam. "Well, there are no spirits in there anymore, this time for sure."

"Not even my mom," Sam sought.

Missouri shook her head. "No."

Sam's eyes began to tear up as he turned to Missouri. "What happened?"

"Your sister," she sighed, "she's very powerful but lacks control. She put your mother and the poltergeist to rest, but it ended up being too much power for her little body to control."

"Her eyes turned white and misty," he reported. "What else can she do?"

"I don't know," Missouri admitted, "but one thing I know for sure is that you two need to take care of her. Despite her powerful abilities, she's still a child who can't control them. Sybil shouldn't hunt with you guys this young."

Sam nodded, tears still evident in his eyes. Missouri looked at him with guilt. "Sam, I'm sorry."

"For what," Sam asked.

"You sensed it was here, didn't you," Missouri answered. "Even when I couldn't."

"What's happening to me," Sam demanded, his voice shaking just a little.

"I know I should have all the answers," Missouri responded, "but I don't know."

Dean disrupted their conversation, asking Sam if he was ready to go. Sam grinned slightly and got up from the stairs, walking towards Dean. They said their goodbyes and got into the car, and drove off.

"Do you think she's going to be alright," Sam questioned, looking towards Dean.

Dean exhaled sharply. "She's a Winchester. She'll pull through."

                    SYBIL AROSE IN A MOTEL ROOM with a blanket laid on top of her. Dazed by her surroundings, she sat up abruptly, only to be hit with a wave of dizziness.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Dean spoke as he looked up from his father's journal, "slow your roll, shortcake. You need to rest."

"What happened," Sybil asked, pouting.

Dean lifted an eyebrow at the little girl. "You don't remember?"

She shook her head.

Dean sighed and began to explain. "Your powers finally surfaced, but we don't know all that you can do."

"Cool," she beamed.

Sam walked in with coffees in his hand and a bag of donuts. He peered over at the bed and saw Sybil awake.

"Sybil! You're up."

Sybil nodded as her stomach growled audibly. She stared down at her stomach and back up at her two older brothers.

"And hungry," Dean added.

"Here," Sam said, handing her the bag of donut holes.

Sybil's face illuminated, snatching the bag out of his hands. As she began munching, the two brothers began to talk about what to do next.

"We should call all the hunters that know Dad and ask if they've had any contact with him recently," Sam suggested.

Dean nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you do that, and I'll continue to go through Dad's journal. Maybe there's something about what killed Mom or what powers Sybil may have."

"Billie," Sybil corrected.

The two of them paused their conversation and looked at the little girl stuffing her face.

"What was that," Sam asked.

"The people I like call me Billie," Sybil mumbled, donut holes filling her cheeks, "and I like you two!"

                   SAM WAS ON THE PHONE WHILE Dean continued to flip through the pages of their father's journal. Sybil laid on Sam's bed watching an infomercial, clearly bored. Once Sam hung up the phone, Dean looked up to his brother. "Caleb hasn't heard of him?"

"Nope," Sam replied. "Neither has Jefferson or Pastor Jim. How about the journal? Any leads there?"

"No, same as the last time I looked," Dean said. "Nothing I can make out."

"I'm bored," Sybil whined, interrupting the brothers' conversation.

The two looked at Sybil, who laid on the bed as if she was dying due to boredom. They both tore their gaze away from her and looked at each other for a second. The Winchester brothers weren't used to a child's presence while on the job, so they definitely didn't know how to keep one entertained.

"Here," Dean responded, handing her Sam's laptop. "Watch some cartoons or play some games, but don't look up anything inappropriate."

Sybil smiled her gummy smile and opened the laptop, allowing the two to continue their conversation.

"Maybe we should call the feds," Sam suggested, "file a missing person."

"Dad would be pissed if we put the feds on his tail," Dean told as his phone began to ring.

They maintained their argument on the next steps they should take to find their father while Dean went through his stuff in search of his phone. When he flipped it open, he stopped replying to Sam as he stared at the message on his phone.

"I don't believe it."

"What," Sam demanded, looking at Dean with a curious expression.

Dean sat on his bed, continuing to stare at his phone screen. "It's a text message. It's coordinates."

Sam glanced over at Sybil. "Sorry, Billie, we need the laptop."

Sybil sulked as she paused her cartoons, sliding the laptop towards Sam. After looking up the coordinates, they concluded that their dad sent them to do another job for him. The two erupted into another minor argument, making Sybil turn on the television in an attempt to drown out the conversation.

"This doesn't strike you as weird," Sam asked as Dean walked past. "The texting, the coordinates?"

"Sam," Dean interposed, "Dad's telling us to go somewhere. We're going."

And like that, the conversation was over. Sam lamented as he stared at his brother pack.

"Are we leaving now," Sybil asked, grabbing Sam's attention.

Sam gave her a forced smile as he sat on the bed with her.

"Yeah, why don't you steal one of the pillows so you can sleep on the drive there?"

Sybil's face scrunched together. "Ew, that's dirty."

Sam laughed as he ruffled the little girl's hair before he, too, got to packing.

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