Egg Mystery: Dawn's POV

Start from the beginning

"That's alright. That's really smart of you, actually. But maybe after you have finished your journey you could come back for another one," she suggested with a relaxed smile and I nodded. "Well then, these three have all started showing signs of hatching soon, I'd say they should be hatched within a week or two. Which one would you like?"

"Do you know what pokemon they are going to hatch into?" I asked walking closer to inspect the three little eggs.

"Unfortunately I don't. The other girl that works here looked them all up but I don't remember which ones are which, sorry." 

I smiled and waved my hand dismissively as I studied the eggs. The egg closest to Piplup was mainly a light green color with a dark green portion on the bottom. That's probably a grass type of some kind, I mused before turning to look at the middle egg. This one had a grey bottom that stretched up into a red color and there were two small yellow dots on the top. Maybe a fire type. The last pokemon egg was light brown on the top and the bottom with a jagged cream band around the middle. Looking at the colors reminded me of Lopunny and I wondered what the chances of it being a Buneary was.

"It's hard to choose, huh?" the breeder said with a kind smile and I nodded.

"What do you think Piplup?" I asked. 

Piplup hopped from stool to stool gazing with a critical expression at each of the three eggs. Cutiefly flew off my head and began circling the eggs as well so I reached down and picked up Growlithe so he could look at the eggs too.

"Your pokemon are all so cute!" the breeder exclaimed with a grin which I returned.

"Thank you very much! I love them with all of my heart," I said, cuddling Growlithe against me and he yipped happily. 

Piplup and Cutiefly both went back and forth, looking over every inch of the eggs. To my surprise, Cutiefly landed on the brown egg at the same time as Piplup tapped it with finality.

"You're sure?" I asked them and Piplup nodded emphatically while Cutiefly flew in a quick backflip.

"I guess we'll be taking that one," I said with a smile and the breeder lady giggled.

"I'm sure you will become great friends with your newest addition," she said, picking up the incubator and extending it to me. I set Growlithe back on the floor before accepting the egg, jumping slightly as it flashed for a brief second when it transferred to my arms.

"Thank you very much! We'll take good care of it," I promised and the breeder lady waved as I led my little band of pokemon out of the daycare. 

The sun was sinking farther and farther towards the horizon and after a quick decision, I decided to keep following the path towards Brooklet Hill. Piplup sang cheerfully as we walked and soon Growlithe began to join in with his own soft howling accompaniment. The sugar cane fields continued on for as long as we walked, but just as the sun was giving off its last bursts of color I noticed a copse of trees in the distance.

"Let's go until those trees and then make camp," I suggested and my pokemon all made their unique sounds of agreement. 

We hurried to our destination and I quickly set up my tent and got a fire going. By the light of the moon and our little fire, I portioned out pokemon food for everyone before pulling out my pot and a packet of noodles. Using one of my many water bottles I quickly boiled water and made myself some ramen.

After we all ate I opened the incubator capsule and gingerly brought the egg onto my lap. Piplup waddled over and climbed onto my knee so he could lean his cheek against the egg, stroking it with his flippers lovingly as he peeped out a little song to it. Growlithe laid down in front of me, propping his head on my ankle and looking at the egg with wonder and Cutiefly sat on Piplup's head, buzzing along to Piplup's song.

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