Dreaming Memories: Paul's POV

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 After leaving Heahea City behind me I made my way down a path with way too much overgrown grass for my taste. To my annoyance, I kept thinking about Dawn and our conversations. It surprised me when she said she respected my opinion as a trainer and once again I had to admit that she wasn't just a flighty girl that cared more about her hair than anything else. It also annoyed me that during her battle I found myself actually acknowledging the power her pokemon had, even though they looked like they could be knocked over by a strong breeze.

Catching myself, I shook my head and tried to shove thoughts of Dawn away from me. I would just make sure to be a step ahead of her on this island and then I'd leave her behind before long.

  I'll make sure to bake some more poffins for your pokemon, so if you DO come then don't leave before they can eat them, Dawn's voice repeated in my head and I ran a hand through my bangs.

Why does she have to be so nice to my pokemon? I grumbled to myself as I pushed through the waist high grass towards flickering lights that I could see in the distance. As I suspected the Pokemon Center in Paniola Ranch still had plenty of rooms left and I soon found relief from my annoying thoughts in the peace of sleep.

The next day I awoke with renewed energy and I decided to spend the morning devising a training schedule for my pokemon. By noon I was satisfied with my plan as I reviewed the moves that I wanted to teach all of my pokemon and the timing between challenging the three totem pokemon of Akala. Once that was finalized I grabbed a quick lunch at the cafeteria, restocked my travel food stores, and set out for Brooklet Hill. As I left Paniola Town behind me the path took me towards huge fields filled with wispy sugar cane plants on one side while the other were expanses of fields populated with Tauros, Mareep, and Miltank.

The day was warm and I was tempted to take off my jacket, although that just reminded me of Dawn asking if I burned easily. Rolling my eyes at myself, I wondered what it was about Dawn that made it so she would pop up in my head at any given moment. 

It's not like I've spent time talking to anyone else, I admitted to myself but then a noise distracted my thoughts. I stood still and turned towards the sugar cane field, listening. Once again the sound of a shriek of anger came towards me, followed by a pokemon call. Curious, I left the path and began forging through the sugar cane. 

After walking towards the sounds of a fight I stumbled into a bare patch of the field where two Mudbrays were in the middle of a brawl. Several Lilipup stood around the empty patch of earth barking at the two fighting pokemon. I was about to turn away when a rustle from the sugar cane caught my attention and I turned just as a blue and black blur burst from the plants. The pokemon leaped, landing in between the two Mudbray just as they were about to crash into each other. My eyes widened as the pokemon spread his arms out, the palm of its paws glowing white. The mudbrays, seemingly blinded with rage, continued charging forward and as they hit the pokemon's palm they were both tossed back and crashed into the sugar cane on opposite sides of the small clearing.

Neither Mudbray rose for several seconds and I turned my attention back to the Riolu that was now standing calmly in the middle of the clearing, folding its arms with a look of obvious annoyance. The lilipup that had been hugging the edge of the clearing ran over to him, all yipping excitedly as if Riolu was the leader of their gang. Both mudbrays twitched and slowly rolled back onto their feet, and Riolu waited until the two cowed pokemon came to stand in front of him. I watched with fascination as Riolu seemed to scold them in his grunting voice and the two bigger pokemon hung their heads.

Unclipping a Pokeball from my belt I stepped forward, causing several of the lilipup to jump from fright and run into the sugar cane. They were not of any interest to me though and I concentrated on Riolu, who met my eyes with an expression completely devoid of fear. We regarded each other for a few silent moments until he broke eye contact and turned his attention to the two Mudbray that had backed up behind him. He bonked both of them on the nose with his little fist, causing them to flinch back, and started walking away.

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