are you..?

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yunho was a cafe worker, from the outside he looked like a carefree man, going to college, someone who has his life together.. in reality he was a single dad with a high school diploma, working full time at a coffee shop, fun.. just fun!

yunho never complained though, every time he'd work he'd be so tired, but as soon as he got home to see his babies he was ecstatic. all his energy came back to him as he played with his children and got them ready for bed, and tucked them in and kisses them goodnight. yunho absolutely adored his children.

but he was a bit lonely.

lonely as he he needed friends, actually not just friends, he needed a partner, that's what he told himself at least. get a partner and settle down, but no one would want a guy with kids... right? well maybe he should think more.

"jaehee, please eat, we have to go or daddy will be late for this appointment!" yunho sighed and gave up as the 2 year old just didn't want to eat. he put the fork down and got her out of the high chair before looking for his brother who was taking care of his other two children.

"no! i want the lion plushie!" yunho rubbed his temples before knocking on his brothers door and walking in to find him chasing the two around while they were fighting about a stupid toy. yunho puts jaehee down and walks over to the older.

"you alright hyung? i know you don't like to have a mess, so i can clean this up before i leave" yunho looks over at his brother, seonghwa, and gives him a small, sad, smile.

"it's okay yun, i know how hard you work already, you have three kids i couldn't imagine how much work they are!" yunho chuckles softly. "i really try my best hyung, even if they don't have another figure to really look up to, i bet they can be the best they can be without another father figure..."

seonghwa smiles. "they're all ready now go to your appointment already." yunho nods and calls the three children to follow him to the car. as they walk to the car, yunho makes them hold hands and not play around, he didn't want to lose them. yunho smiles and straps them into their car seats one by one.

"head count, meili?" a little voice saying 'here' spoke up. yunho smiles and call out for jaehee and then junhui. yunho closes the car door and walks around to his side of the car; the drivers seat, and smiles, starting the car. 

"daddy, are we gonna get shot?" yunho looks back as he saw the other two children with wide eyes and mouths hanging open. 

"DADDY I DONT WANNA DIE" yunho tried to calm the children down before they started crying. "no one's going to die, we're just gonna get a check up okay? we're gonna check if daddy is still gonna have kids or not. which no you aren't getting another sibling you have enough."

meili looks down in disappointment. "DADDY ARE WE THERE YET?" yunho looks forward and pulls out of the driveway.

"we're barely leaving jun, calm down okay?" junhui pouts and leans over to pat his sisters head. "don't worry sissies, i'll protect you!" yunho chuckles and heads off.

"what do you mean she has a speaking disability? she's been doing just fine with the vocabulary i've been giving her!" yunho looks at the doctors with a confused expression.

"i know but she can't speak, it's hard for her to learn new phrases and even her name! we didn't want to tell you this so harshly but she has problems in her vocal cords that is preventing her from speaking." yunho was shocked, his children are healthy as far as he knew.

"she has vocal cord paralysis, in where one vocal cord isn't moving which normally causes trouble breathing or eating, and she does have breathing problems so keep and eyes on her for a bit and then come back here in two weeks, if something bad happens just call us and we'll take you guys in" yunho nodded and took his three children out of the office.

"what am i gonna do with you jaehee." yunho crouches down to jaehee's height and pats her forehead. "i love you three, now come one we need to go to the grocery's." yunho smiles and takes them to the car.

at the grocery store yunho had all kinds of trouble with the triplets. as soon as they entered they went straight to the candy aisle. yunho rolls his eyes and let them pick out one candy (as always) and told them to get into the cart. yunho did his normal grocery shopping, till jaehee wanted to get out, he let her escape the cart and kept a close eyes on her.

but not close enough.

yunho was grabbing some corn for the dish he was going to make that night, but as soon as he put it in the cart he panicked. he was missing one thing.

his daughter.

'my mom is going to kill me if i don't find her, was she kidnapped?? did someone take her and kill her??' yunho shook his head and took a deep breath. he pushed the cart with his two unsuspecting children and went to an employee to tell them that his daughter went missing.

it took twenty minutes before he realized. 'the candy aisle.' he rushed over to the aisle to see no one, he took his children out of the cart and broke down. "this is it, i suck at being a dad, but i cant give you guys away, i need to find jaehee..." yunho wiped his tears but sat on the floor still.

"are you.. her father..?" yunho looked up from where he was sitting to see a man dressed in a business suit, holding his daughter.

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