Chapter 7

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Decided to add some music because why not?

[Solar's P.O.V.]

I was still confused on what happened earlier today. I see them crying and all and I just wonder, what did happen? They were still sleeping together. Hmm. Well I better get shopping for some food. Were running out of food for breakfast and lunch.

~ Minutes later ~

Well I have arrived at the pokemart. Time to get shopping. Milk, cereal, flour, sugar, snacks, drinks, and yogurt I guess. After I got everything I needed I went to check out. I grabbed some extra food and snacks just in case. I place my stuff on the side so she can scan it.

"Is this all?" She asks. She was a leafeon.

I stare at her for a minute then shake my head back to reality. I was blushing a little. "Y-yeah, this is all." I say. She giggles when I was staring at her. I also saw a small blush on her face.

"Your funny." She says. I smile but still have a little bit of red. I dont think she can see my blush since I was a flareon.


"Ok that'll all be 36.47." I pay her then get all the stuff. "Bye." She says waving at me. Did I like her...

[Spark's P.O.V.]

(Continue from chapter 6) I stopped kissing her and we just did nothing. I'm glad that we forgived each other. It was all that glaceon's fault. If she wouldn't have kissed me then I could've been home. But instead we got into this situation. I then heard a door open and some bags. I get up and look at who it was. It was Solar. He just went shopping.

"Hi Solar."

"Hi Spark, I bought some food."

"That's nice." I reply. I then see Azul coming out of her room.

"Hi you 2." She says.

"Hi Azul." Me and Solar said together.

"Hey Spark, I want to talk with you about what happened earlier today."

"... fine..." I then follow him to his room.

"So what did happen earlier?"

I explained everything to Solar. "So that's why you were all crying on the bed and so was Flutter."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Hmm. Alright, you can go. I was just wondering what happened earlier today."

"K, cya Solar." I left the room and went into mine. It was past lunch and I was hungry. "Want something to eat?" I asked Flutter.

"Yeah, im kinda hungry. Hey remember that restaurant Solar took all of us before?

"Yes. You wanna eat there?" I asked.

"Yep, it was pretty good there."

"Ok then let's go. I'm pretty hungry."

~ Some minutes later ~

"Were here." I said enthusiastically. We were outside the entrance.

"Okay c'mon, let's go in." She says holding my paw.

We walk inside and it wasnt that full of people inside. We got our order and then we sat down. It was pretty quite since there wasnt much people in here. We were chatting a bit then our food came. We both ordered the same thing, veggie soup. Her ribbon was on my wrist of my paw. We talked some more and laughed a bit. We later finished our food and it was good.

"Thank you for taking me here Spark."

"Why are you thanking me? It was your idea after all."

"But your the one who agreed."

"Fine then. If you say so." She giggles a bit when I said that. We walk out and back home. When we walked out I saw that glaceon but she didn't see us. I felt a slight disappointment for her. We arrived at the house and we went inside. We saw Solar and Azul playing Uno.

"Oh hi Spark and Flutter." They both said in unison.

"Hi you two." We both said. "Can we join?" I asked Solar and Azul.

"Sure." Solar said. "After we finish this round, of course." We decided to watch. I got behind Solar and Flutter got behind Azul. We got behind to see their cards. And then shortly Azul won. "Ok c'mon you 2." We sit down but made sure nobody saw each others cards.

~ 1 hour later ~

Another game finished. "That was pretty fun." I say

"And pretty frustrating..." added Azul. We all laughed when she said that.

"Well I think we should stop playing. We've been playing for about an hour or more." Says Solar

"Yeah, your right." Said Flutter. She was stretching after sitting for a long time. "We should do this more often soon."

"Yep." I said. We then went to our rooms. I layed down on the bed. Flutter was sitting on my chair looking around. She then spotted my drawing. She grabs it and pulls it up.

"What's this about?" She questions me.

"I... uhhh... ummm..." I said slightly panicking.

She whispers to herself. I couldn't hear what she said. She looked back at me for a second then back at the drawing. 'Uh oh' I thought for a second. She was giggling a little. She put the drawing I made back at the table. I was relieved.

"I never knew you like to draw."

"I dont draw as much but I was bored."

"Also don't you find it weird that we are boyfriend and girlfriend and yet Solar doesn't have a girlfriend yet? He is older than you."

"I've actually haven't thought of that. I bet he'll find someone soon. Not sure about Azul though since she is younger."

"How old are you spark?"

"14. What about you?"

"14 too!"

"Wait really?"

"Yep. I guess we are a perfect couple." She giggles a bit.

"Yeah I guess."

THERE WASNT MUCH I COULD THINK OF FOR THIS CHAPTER. Also sorry for not publishing anything since I was kinda busy with stuff and thinking about what to do next for the story is kinda difficult. Also I'll be focusing more about Solar next chapter. Also I wont publish chapters daily from now on.

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