Chapter 4

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Hey what do you know? I'm deciding to publish 2 chapters instead of 1 today.

[Spark's P.O.V.]

~ 7 AM ~

We both wake up at the same time face to face. I didn't realize we were that close last night. We both stare at each other's eyes for a minute and we were blushing a lot. Then we both closed our eyes and lean forward to kiss. After a couple of second we stare again. My cheeks are hot. Did we really just kiss? Or is this just a dream? I don't even know anymore! I sit straight up. "*In my head* Everything seems real... so did we really..." I look back to see her still looking at me and her ribbons still around me.

"S-s-sorry..." She said quietly.

"Sorry for what?"

"For kissing you... it's just that I really like you. Everything that you've done for me just made me like you even more."

"By 'like' do you mean like me or love me?"

"L-love you."

"Hey I like you to." She then returned the question to me.

"Like me or love me?"

"Love. Your just to cute. I kinda liked you since the day we saw each other." I layed back down. She started hugging me again and I didn't really care. "Hey, do you want to eat something?" I say, breaking the silence.

"Ooh some more pancakes? They were really good."

"Sure, more pancakes it is." I walk up to the kitchen to get the ingredients for the pancakes and started making them.

~ Some minutes later ~
"Hey Flutter, I'm done." I say as I walk inside the room.

"Ok I'm coming." She seems really happy and not too embarrassed about what happened earlier. We walk to the kitchen and I set up the table.

"Morning lovebirds." Says Azul.

"Shut up." I say.

"Well, sorry. I always see you 2 together and I just thought, why not just say it?"

"Well can you at least not say that again?!" I say, but this time a bit more mad at her.

"Jeez, are you really getting mad at me for that?"

"Yes." I reply. She looks over at Flutter seeing her blush alot.

"Well fine ima just leave you 2 alone." She went back into her room.

"Sorry about that Flutter. You know how annoying your brothers and sisters could be. Especially when it comes to these situations, boy and girl."

"Its fine." I sit next to her and we start eating the pancakes.

"Still good as ever. How do you make them taste so good?"

"I put a couple of oran berries in the mix for some more flavor."

"No wonder it's so good. I think I want more." Those 10 words made me blush again.

"Alright I'll make you some more."

~ 5 minutes later ~

"Thank you for the pancakes." She says and kisses me on the cheek. We both are blushing.

I'm laying down on the bed after a lot of pancakes. Shes sitting on the chair reading a book. So what now?

"Hey Spark." Solar startled me.


"I need to talk with you."

"Alright I'm coming." I follow Solar outside.

Jolteon x Sylveonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें