|| Rough Night ||

Start from the beginning

few seconds later...he couldn't hear to what the detective was saying. A ringing in his ear had occurred like a bomb had blasted near to him.



"Theo listen to me"

"That's enough detective," a voice came in the background, as Detective bloom turns her head over her shoulders, which was a old man soaked within the rain. "The kid's been through enough already" he replied back.

"Sir I kindly asked you to step back out of the crime scene.." she said to the old man.

Few seconds he walked to the detective, with a glare on his face. "I said the Kid's been through enough...have I made myself clear?"

"But sir-" he cuts her off before she could finish her sentence. "Theodore is my Grandson, and I must now take him back to my place"

Theo looks up to the old man, as the face looks familiar to him. "Grandpa Sanje?" he asked, the old man nodded. "Son," he placed his hand on Theodore's back neck— as he rubs for comfort then embraces him with a hug. "Don't worry son, I'll get you out of here" he whispers in his ears"

Theodore whimpers silently, as he actually felt the presence with his grandfather—that feels comfort for a long time. I can't-

Before they could walk away from the crime scene. Detective bloom, holds grandpa Sanje back. "Sir, he cannot leave the crime scene until he answers my question"  she responded

"This is not a crime scene detective, a woman killed herself with it's personal reasons" Sanje stated, "I ensure that, but Theodore and his little sister" she pointed the back of them, as they looked at the little girl looking distressed—sitting in the ambulance near the doors were opened. "Are witnesses"

"Taylor..." Theo said, quietly. Grandpa Sanje looked back at him. "That's her?" he raised his brows. Theodore nodded.

"Let me answer the questions, if that benefits you" Grandpa Sanje noted to detective. She nodded—asking questions as Theodore walks towards his sister. "Hey" he responds to her.

She looks up and runs to her big brother with a huge embrace. Theo wrapped his arms around his waist, as both love the company they have together.

Taylor bewails against his shoulders— mumbling her words "I don't know what to do- I'm sorry Theo...." she replied back "I'm sorry!"

Theo rubs her back while embracing her "shh...I'm here now..shh it's okay Taylor...I'm here now" he clarified. "I'm not going anywhere"  Taylor nodded.

Few minutes, rain had stopped pouring down. Theodore looked up as he saw a red convertible that was parked behind the police car few blocks away. Which looked familiar back on Riverdale.

"Hey.." He pulled away from the hug, "I'll be back okay? Grandpa will settle in with you" she nodded. Taylor went back to where she was then as Theo walked far away from his house. He walked—heading to the red convertible, trying to see if it was familiar to him.

He stopped as what he sees the red convertible looking vintage as it was back in Riverdale, it looked like it could be own by-

"lovely isn't it?" A familiar voice responded behind the background. blossom.

He turns around as he sees the red head wearing the same outfit as he saw from school, and as for the red head— she look at him with concern.

"Cheryl?" He raises his brows in disbelief.

"Theodore I-" before she could say anything. It took her as a surprise that Theodore didn't care about the situation that happened back the Marquez household.

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