Week 3: Wednesday

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Early mornings are the worst, even more so after tossing and turning all night.

I find a whistling Bree in the kitchen making coffee. She looks my way as I place my backpack down and walk over to the counter. "Jeez Mel, you look like hell. What's with you?" she asks while pouring a cup for me. "I couldn't sleep," I reply truthfully. I look up from the cup she placed in front of me to her and find her eyes glued to me. "Remember what I said? That you do this for you?" she asks me while walking over to where I am.

"I didn't even tell you why I couldn't sleep," I mention. She nods her head before calmly stating, "You didn't need to. Melody you like commitment and don't forget that." I go to say something back, but a bagel pops up from the toaster and Bree walks away.

Unfortunately, I'm even more confused now after talking to Bree and now I must face Brandon in my first class today. I walk over to my usual seat and wait for him to show up. As soon as I catch sight of him my palms get sweaty.

"Hey Mel," Brandon greets as he reaches me. I smile at him and avert my attention to the front of the room. "What's wrong?" he asks after silence between us as he places out his spiral and pencil. "I'm just tired. That's all," I voice. I see him nod his head, but I don't look his way. "So, for lunch today, is after your next class okay? I thought we could go to your favorite sushi place, since it's not too far from campus?" he asks me, which causes me to finally look his way.

"I didn't think sushi was your favorite food?" I question without answering him. He shoots me a dimpled smile and replies, "But it's yours and that's all I care about Mel." My breath hitches and guilt fills me. Why am I treating him like he did something wrong to me? "Yeah Brandon that sounds like a wonderful plan," I finally answer him.

As I reach my next class, I find the entire room empty. I check the time and there's five minutes before it starts.

Where is everyone?

Then I notice someone in the front gathering their things together. As she walks my direction towards the door, she finally notices me.

"Oh hey, I'm guessing you're like me and didn't check your email. Class has been cancelled today," she voices while still walking. I feel like palming myself in the face for being so distracted this morning that I forgot to check my emails. Well now I have an extra hour on my hands.

I get some studying done before deciding to leave early for the restaurant, since sometimes it can get packed quick for lunch. I'm walking out of the library when I spot Sebastian. We haven't talked much, except at work, but even those conversations are cut short. It's been a couple of weeks since our first date and so much has happened, I've just put Bash to the side honestly. Not sure if I should say anything I don't call his name, but it doesn't matter, because he looks my way. Our eyes meet, and I can already see he's now walking towards me.

"Looking good Mel," he greets. I roll my eyes at him and say, "Smooth Bash. Smooth." I look up at him and take notice of his appearance, he seems tired and I can tell he's stressed. "I'm sorry I haven't been in touch with you. I've been meaning to do something with you again, but these weeks haven't been kind to me. My friend is having a pool party this Saturday though and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" he asks me.

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