Patrick is typing...

I didn't think that he would take my very last statement to him seriously. I'll have to make it clear that I do want to see him again. Maybe he's a little bit more sensitive than I first thought and I like that.

Patrick: I'm currently on a conference call to Australia. No rest for the wicked :D xx

A conference call? As in he's actually really busy right now but he's messaging me! I- what!

Sofia: What are you doing messaging me while you're working? I don't want to be a distraction xx

Patrick: Well, you are already a distraction my sweet. I haven't stopped thinking about you since you sashayed that gorgeous ass away from me. I meant what I said, I want you anyway I can have you xx

Staring at the small paragraph, I've never felt so desired. I want to keep teasing him but my mood has turned more serious. I want to see him again too, as soon as possible. Which is a little worrying since I've only met him once. I may be in a tiny bit of trouble here...

Sofia: I do apologise for taking your attention away from your work. That's bad of me xx

Patrick: Yes, very bad. Funnily enough, I don't mind though. You're much more fun to talk to than the dick heads I'm on the phone with now. Xx

I'm getting so caught up with this conversation that I can't control what my fingers are typing anymore.

Sofia: It would be even more fun if you were here with me xx

Moments pass before he begins typing again and I wonder if I've said something wrong. Turns out it was very right. Ohh I'm a tease.

Patrick: Undoubtedly so. I'd very much like to be between your thighs right now my dear. I'd love to hear you moaning my name. You should know, I'm so fucking hard right now. I think I'll have to hang up my work call ;) xx

Shit. Surely he won't actually hang-

Patrick: Done. Now what were you thinking about when you were driving me mad with your foot at dinner? Xx

Oh fuck. He really did hang up his call. I'm a goddess! That's the only explanation.

Sofia: I can't tell you that information. I'd much rather show you. I'm free tomorrow night if you're interested xx

Ahhhhhhhhh! What the hell am I doing?!

Dropping my phone like it has burned me, I jump up off my bed and bounce around like a frigging looney! What happened to me being in control? Now I'm acting like a nymphomaniac on crack.


"Damn you're an idiot Sofia! You are wayyyy out of your comfort zone here!" I yell to my ceiling.

Comfort zone...I'm always in my comfort zone. Would it be so bad to step out of it and have wild sex with a respectful, gorgeous older man who wants me very badly.

Logical answer: No! 

Non-logical answer: ahckforndsmsjdjwwkjwnfnjesnkdf

Pick the phone back up Sofia and deal with it like an adult or at very least a skittish girl trapped inside a women's body.

Patrick: I'm very interested. Can I pick you up this time? I'd very much like to give you a ride. Or maybe you'd like to ride me? 😚xx

Is that...a kissy face? Ha! It's just funny yet endearing coming from a man like him. The question it follows is begging to be answered and I think it's a strong yes from me.

Sofia: Yes you can pick me up...and toss me over your shoulder too if you like 😁 Maybe I would like to ride you but would you be able to handle me? Xx

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