Thank you all

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Wow, I won't lie back in 2016 I didn't think this work would get anywhere near the reception that it got. I mean 124K reads, 6.08K upvotes and 43 chapters in total. It still blows my mind every time I see these numbers.

I want to thank everyone that has been with me throughout this journey, I am truly humbled by the responses I got on my work and even now it still blows me away with all the support I have received from it.

Because of everyone that took part in my little tale I was approached by Dreame, an incredible website filled with captivating and other interesting material for those who wish to dive into their pages and now my work is going to be posted there.

Now with this change I also made a lot of corrections to the story, tightening the narrative and fixing mistakes so for those who wish to find out what has changed in my work or want to continue with it then be sure to head to or download the Dreame app on the app store.

The title is still going to be Day and her Knight and the updates are going to coming to the site often so be sure to stick around and see what happens.

And once again, thank you everyone this means more to me than you'll ever know.

Day and Her Knight [Editing]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang