My Boy • XIV

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I heard him sigh, "It's all good over here. I just have to write the epilogue for my book and I'm all finished. But then I have to edit it and all that shit."

I smiled and watched as Mel played with a small stuffed panda, giving me a pointed look as she held it up. I shook my head but she nodded hers, adding it to the cart. I sighed, "Well, when it hits the shelves, I'll be the first to read it."

He chuckled, "Well, I'm glad to know I have at least one fan." Then there was silence. This was when our conversation always got a little awkward because the truth was I liked Kento. More than as a friend and it scared me. But I knew he was interested in me too. He'd only made that clear when he kissed me before he left and every time we have a phone conversation. When we had talked about why he had kissed me about a week after I told my mom I was pregnant, he told me flat out that he had started to fall for me. That's only one thing I liked about Kento. He was honest even if it was in a blunt way. "I want to see you Raya," his voice was as soft as a whisper and I felt my chest clench painfully.

I wanted to see him so badly but I knew that couldn't happen. Especially not when the baby was starting to show. I mean, I could where a sweatshirt or something but I didn't want to take any chances. So, I replied sadly, "I know. But I just-I just can't."

There was another pause and I could almost see him nodding his head, sighing. "I know. Because you think it would be too awkward," he said, quoting me. That's an understatement. You'd be mad too.

"Yeah," I felt bad now so I added, "But maybe soon, okay? I want to see you too, Kento, I really do, but I need more time. Okay?" I knew that I would never see him anytime soon and that thought alone made me frown.

He laughed softly and I knew everything was okay between us, "You say that every time."

I smiled and saw Mel looking at me impatiently, "Hey Kenny, I have to go. Mel's glaring at me." I rolled my eyes at her and felt a small aching in my back. "I miss you, though."

I could hear his smile again, "I miss you too. I'll catch you later."

"Bye," I said.

"Bye Ray," he replied and I hung up, sighing.

Mel was grinning widely when I met her eyes, "What?"

"Ohh Raya Jay William, you in deep with Mr. Kento Tanaka! Not to mention your baby daddy." My heart gave that same weird flutter again and I stared back at Mel.

I rolled my eyes, "Come on Mel, and be reasonable. He's becoming a famous author as we speak; I'm just the girl he had a fling with at a party." I knew it was more than that though.

"You're pregnant with his daughter," she said dumbly.

I looked at her weirdly, "Thank you Melina, but I think I knew that already."

She flashed a smile, "But he luv you Raya!."

"Only you would think that. Mrs romantic," I pushed the cart about two steps before she swatted my hands away, taking over. She didn't approve of me pushing or lifting heavy objects even if I was just beginning to show.

"Girl, don't act like you don't know. I listened to all the millions of voice messages and e-mails he sends you."

My mouth parted in shock, "You went through my stuff?"

She shrugged innocently, "I might have. I mean, it was right there and everything." A mischievous smile came over her features and she continued, "Raya, hey. It's me, Kento. When are you going to let me see you? God, I miss you. College's a bitch. Call me, okay? I want to get together soon."

I blushed and hit her arm, "Stop it."

"Aww, Raya. You're blushing," Mel teased, a certain pink clothing piece catching her attention. "Stop being so defensive. You like him and he likes you. You did say that the sex was bomb too. So, I don't see a problem."

I felt my cheeks warm, something that happened whenever I thought about Kento that night at the party. Even if he was my second "lover", he was the one that brought me to an orgasm. He had been great.

"Dang Raya, what are you thinking about? With that look on ya face."

I turn a way.

"Shut up."


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