15. The Seven of Us

Start from the beginning

– Oh, I'm so sorry! We still have one color to show you! she exclaimed in fake shock, earning a few laughs.

– Dear fans, the third color is... Morning Yellow!

– I have an explanation, Yeongja stepped up, her face lit up in an excited smile.

– We all participated in "New Morning", right? This yellow color represents the rising sun of our journey, the morning of our story.

The fans first gasped and then gave us a round of applause. Hyejin took a quick look on the cue card before continuing.

Now we can move on. The story behind our fandom name is very interesting. Has anyone ever wondered why we're called Lucky Number when there is just six of us? Usually seven is the lucky number. But we'll explain it now. Hana and (SName) here have studied languages more than I have, and they came up with a smart idea of 'the seventh month'.

– September is in fact the ninth month, but the English name comes from an old name meaning the seventh month, Yeongja added.

– We members are the first six months, but the seventh month are you, the fans.

I couldn't contain my emotions and jumped around a little while Jiwoo prepared to reveal the fandom name.

– From here on, the official fandom name of Lucky Number is...

We imitated a drumroll by stomping with our feet, while our hands were busy holding microphones.

– Maple!

It was silent for a few seconds, and then a soft murmur filled the room. For a blink of an eye I feared the fans didn't like it before they burst into applause, accepting their new name.

– Nice to meet you, Maple! We greeted them, and Haneul and Hyejin made all the possible heart poses there were.

After the grand announcement we played around while talking about the new album, introducing our favorite songs and singing a few lines of each. As a surprise we handed out signed albums to a few lucky fans.

– Number 279, please show yourself!

I had the honor of calling out random numbers based on the tickets. This fan took a little longer to show up.

– J-just a moment! a young woman apologized and continued by talking to someone in a hushed voice, telling them to 'just go'.

A moment later a man in his twenties weaved through the crowd, pushing his glasses up with shaky hands. He walked up the few stairs, bowing politely as he hesitated to come closer.

– Hello, what's your name? Songmin asked with a smile.

– Kang Junho, he mumbled, carefully raising his gaze from his shoes.

– How long have you been a fan?

– Since your debut, he gained more confidence, and even smiled a little.

– I watched "New Morning" as well, and I was so happy to see the familiar members debut after a long time.

– Who's your favorite? Haneul popped a question after being silent for a while.

– Ya, do you want to fight? Jiwoo shushed her and Haneul apologized before running away from her.

Mr. Kang didn't hesitate, immediately answering '(SName)', and explained that I had been the most talented and relatable member from the beginning. I tightened my grasp of the mic and felt my face heat up a little. This was the first time I had heard someone say I was their favorite member without listing the other members right after me, and I felt both happiness and confusion.

– Aww, she's all flustered! Hyejin shrieked.

Because the others thought it would be fun, I handed out the signed album to him, and we had an awkward moment bowing one after another and exchanging our thankful thoughts.

The rest of the event went smoothly, we had a lot of fun talking with the fans, even about the most mundane things such as high school graduations and our dream travel destinations. The staff members had to practically drag us down the stage and out of the doors because we didn't want to leave.

– Don't stay up too late! Yeongja reminded everyone before saying her goodbyes.

– Stay hydrated, Songmin added.

– Eat well! Haneul grinned.

– Have fun and never give up, I made a quick heart pose.

Lucky Number Official Colors

Lucky Number Official Colors

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