1. (First Name) of Sunrise (EDITED)

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Original publish date: July 21, 2017

Rewritten publish date: October 1, 2018

That winter the main office of Sunrise Entertainment was surrounded in a thick atmosphere of excitement. The rumors said a new group planned to debut this month after one of the producers had complimented a bunch of trainees that appeared on the reality show New Morning Part Two last year. It had been only a brief post on Instantgram, saying "I like working with our talented trainees, hope their dreams come true" and it had been deleted soon after the netizens started to get hyped. No one knew who the producer had meant but people had their theories.

19-year-old (First Name) (Last Name) was one of the ten trainees who took part in the said reality show. She was a promising performer from (Country). During the last four years of her training she had been improving fast, and now she sang remarkably better comparing to the time she had auditioned. She had a beautiful voice and her technique made her easy to listen to. No wonder she was the fan favorite.

~ January 27th, Thursday ~

– The company hasn't had a debuting group in three years. I'm starting to believe there is a new formation coming up! You heard a group of girls happily chatting in the hallway.

– Ugh, I don't stand a chance when this foreigner is here!

When you heard that comment you turned your head at the girls.

– Hush, she's right here! One of them exclaimed but giggled soo after. All of them looked at you with evil faces and then walked away laughing. Some would call them the Mean Girls of Sunrise Entertainment but you didn't really care. These girls probably had problems but they were only some of the trainees in the company, and most of the trainees were genuinely nice, they wouldn't have passed auditions if they had personality issues. And little did they know you were going to stay in work late after the lessons because you had a meeting. Actually, this was your second meeting with the same manager this week.


You had been sitting there, in front of Mr. Park for a good moment, discussing about your future plans. On Tuesday he mostly reviewed the recommendations you had gotten from the vocal coach, dance instructor and other professionals you had been working with and asked what kind of music you would like to sing. So nothing special here. But today the manager had something important to tell you.

– You must know about the rumors about the new group. Han didn't do a great job going around spilling some tea. But we are really planning a girl group's debut.

You felt your shoulders get tense and your breathing was anxious.

– I told you not to tell anyone about our meeting, didn't I? You nodded as an answer.

– There are several other trainees who I have met lately. They are the prospective members of the group.

You nodded again. Mr. Park then went silent for a while, letting the words sink in. You blinked and opened your mouth, clearly trying to say something but tackled a little.

– You mean there's a group debuting and I'm a part of it?

Mr. Park chuckled, happy to see your shocked reaction.

– You didn't seem to catch on last time either, the chair creaked as he leaned back, crossing his arms and looking at you.

– You'll meet the girls next week, Monday to be exact. Come straight to my office at nine o'clock sharp.

There was something scratchy in your throat and you gulped it down. After a nod from the manager you got up from the leather chair to leave. When you grabbed the door handle Mr. Park called your name.

– Yes?

– Good job. You'll make it big.

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