i. Fine

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"I dare you to move

I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before"

I Dare You To Move, Switchfoot



My fingers glided smoothly in the piano's keys. I played like it's the last song. The students are all gone by now, it's probably dark outside. The hallways are clear, no footsteps can be heard. I'm all alone in the music room right now. Making it easier for me to play. I'm not really a fan of the audience. I prefer being alone, which means I only have a few friends. Two to be exact. My best friends since diapers, Andrea and Niall.

After my mum died, I become this person I am now. The geek, nerd, anti-social, introvert, and a lot more names being called to me everyday by my peers. I just blocked them out and focus on my life and music.I just lost care on what people think about me. Yes, they do criticize me from what I wear to how I fix my hair. All I know is that, they're bunch of stupid teenagers who have nothing better to do with their miserable lives other than partying and having sex.

My dad is a composer and my mum was a singer. They met through one of my mum's show where my dad composed a song for her. The song's title is Only Hope. My mum would always sing it to me, this is her and mine's favorite song.

I played it whilst singing. This is my escape. Music has been my escape since I was thirteen. I find peace and serenity whenever I play and sing. But of course, I only sing when there's no any other people in the room.

"..You're my only hope."

I finished playing the soon until I heard clapping from behind. I turned to see my music teacher, Ms. Carter.

Ms. Carter knew my mother. They've been best friends. Ms. Carter played the piano whilst my mum will sing. She's the one who taught me how to play the piano. She's been there for me and my dad ever since mum passed away. She helped us recover from our loss but there will always be a hole in my heart only my mum can fill.

"Bravo, Elise. Perfect as always." She said walking towards me.

"Thank you, Ms. Carter." I smiled at her.

She sat beside me, looking over the piece.

"You're mum would've been so proud." Her voice cracking in the end. None of have yet to recover. She's gone and she's never coming back.

I stayed silent, because I know that I'll be breaking the walls I build up for years. I have to be strong. I made her a promise to be strong for me and dad.


The music is blasting from the speakers, sweat lingers in the air. I finished my cup and grabbed another one before walking towards my friends. Liam is making out with a busty blonde whilst Louis is chatting with some jocks.

"Hey, Haz!" Louis greeted me and we did the "handshake".

"Hey, Lou." I said before taking a sip of my drink.

"Found someone to fuck for the night?" He smirked.

"Nah. I already fucked lmost every girl in this house." I replied smugly.

"I'm surprised you haven't caught any STD's yet, man." He said laughing.

"That's what condom's are for." I smirked at him before walking away to find someone that'll do for the night. As on cue, Amanda barged in the door. I walked over to her. Amanda and I never have been official. We just messed around with each other. I don't give a shit if she'll fuck other guys because I do the same. I don't do relationships, I don't believe in love. Never has and never will.

"Hey babe." I sling my arm around her waist, squeezing her arse before placing trails of kisses in her neck.

"Hey baby." She purred, wrapping her slim arms around my neck and bringing our lips together. I broke the kiss, breathing for air.

"Why don't we take this upstairs.." I whispered in her ear, trailing my fingers in her thigh.


The sound of my alarm brought end to my lovely slumber. I stretched my arms and made my way out of the bed. I made my bed and went to the bathroom to start getting ready for school.

"Elise! breakfat is ready!" My dad yelled from the kitchen.

"Just a minute!" I finished blow drying my hair. Long brunette waves cascaded in my back. Today I wore a cream jumper, dark washed skinny jeans and my brown uggs. I put on my scarf because the weather is getting colder. I didn't bother putting on any make-up because I don't really feel comfortable wearing it. And besides, I have no one to impress. I took one last look of myself in the mirror before going down stairs.

"Good morning, dad." I kissed his cheek before settling down in the counter to eat my breakfast.

"Elise, are you taking your meds properly?" My dad asked.

"Of course," I replied before taking a sip of my orange juice. "Bye, dad" I kissed him good bye.

"Be safe, darling." he said whilst hugging me.

"Will do!"

I head to the garage to my car. My dad is not keen to the idea of me driving. He's been extra-protective over me since the results of my tests last year. I start the engine and drove to school.

I parked my car and get out. I walk towards the entrance to see Andrea and Niall standing there waiting for me. We exchanged good morning's before heading to our lockers. Niall and I have most of our classes together whilst me and Andrea only have world history together.

I grabbed my books and locked my locker.

"See you both in lunch!" Andrea said before turning away to go to her class.

"Yeah, you too!" We said in unison.

We walked to our class until a body bumped into me, causing the books to fall in the ground.

"Watch what where you're going, loser." I looked up to see a pair of icy blue eyes from non-other than, Louis Tomlinson. He and his friends basically rule this school. I dind't dare to say anything I just crouched down to pick up my books. They started laughing, clearly finding amusement from what just happened. I sighed and went to pick up the last book not until someone kicked it away. Of course, it would be Amanda Willis a.k.a. school slut, cheerleader, basically the Regina George of North Field High.

"Is wittle Elise gunna cry?" She mocked me and the other's laugh as well. Niall went to picked up the book Amanda kicked.

You're probably thinking Niall is being a shitty friend because he's not standing up for me. No, he's not. His face was bashed last month because he tried standing up for me but end up getting hurt. I told myself to never let anything like this happen to any of my two friends. I don't want any of them to get hurt because of me. So I talked to the both of them to never say a single word when Amanda and Louis' group bully me.

"Amanda that's enough. She's not worth it." I looked up to see Harry, Harry Styles. He's a friend of Louis'. We went to the same school since we were kids. He's the most popular guy in NFH. He's curly brown hair, emerald eyes and well built body made every guy envy and every girl swoon. Except for me. I'm already numb to feel something.

"You're right, babe. This trash isn't worth any of our attention." And with that, they're gone. The crowd that started to form due the commotion also began to walked away.

"You alright?" Niall asked, his voice laced with concern.


"You sure? We can go to the clinic and we can call your da-" I cut him off, placing my hand in his shoulder.

"Niall, I'm fine," I smiled at him. "Let's just get to class."

Well, the truth is. I'm not fine. I'm broken and there will be no one who can fix me.


CHAPTER ONE AYE! This story is inspired by A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. I hope you like it! Don't forget to vote+comment.


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