I could not see a thing basically but just blurry lights then sudden something cold was placed on my dry lips.

"Drink," His husky voice sounded.

I did as told and took a gulp and held the glass with one hand while supporting me with the other.  The water felt so good in my fry mouth and down my dry throat.  I drank more and more of it until nothing was flowing out of the cold glass.

"Take deep breaths," I did as told as he removed the glass from my lips.

My vision slowly cleared and I was feeling a bit cooled down.

Klaus moved down the bed and sat at the edge of it with his back towards me.  There was awkward silence in the air.  I sat up and leaned my back against the pillows.  I felt stupid and worthless.
This was my fault.

Suddenly there was a crush causing me to jump up and a tear to escape my eyes.  My heart was beating so hard I thought it would burst.  Klaus had thrown the glass against the wall.

I could not see his face but I just knew he was angry. More tears flowed down as I hugged my body.
I am stupid and fucked up.

Klaus was such a good guy and I just made him angry.  He would probably beat me up. Even if he did I do not think I would be able to fight back, see with Rafael anger drove me to fight back but now I was only angry at myself.  I fuck up everything.  I was stupid, that is why Rafael chose Loala over me.  I was the crazy one not him, he could see my self-worth from the start.  I was trash, I was garbage.   I could not even survive on my own firstly I was dependant on my dad then when he died what happened?  I got myself kidnapped. Then I depended on Rafael and now it was Klaus. I could not stand on my own even with that I could not be normal. Lastly we cannot forget how bad of a mother I was, I could not do anything right could I.  Maybe just maybe everyone would be better without me.

"I am.... so... sorry, " I said as I wiped away my tears but more flowed down as I silently cried holding myself in Klaus's bed.

Klaus turned so fast I thought he would get a whiplash. He crawled back to the bed the knelt in front of me.  I looked away afraid of what I would see in his eyes; the anger.

"Stop crying!" He said firmly and harshly really.

More tears flooded down, he was so angry.

"I said stop crying!" Said again.

I tried to hold back my tears which caused them to flow even more.  I was shaking now.  I wanted so bad to stop crying but the tears could not stop coming.  It was so bad that I was choking.  I started hitting my chest hard.

"Fuck Harley!" he said as he held me by my shoulders and shook me, like literally shook me.
The next thing I know he smashed his lips into mine which caused me to freeze, my tears flowed down and I could taste them. That salty taste.  He then pulled me into his arms and held me so tight.
I leaned on his chest and lay my head there as my eyes closed.  It felt like home, it felt like heaven and I did not want to leave his arms.  I felt safe and secure.  I loud sob broke through as I wept all over his chest, he was too good for me, and he would not want me now.

"I am so..... Sorry, " I said again as I wept with my heart breaking.

"What are you sorry for Harley huh, what the fuck are you sorry for? I should be the one who is sorry damnit......I should have gotten you out of there no matter what. I should have saved you damnit. "He said, his voice was breaking. "Forgive me Harley" he continued.

The Mafia's  Bride (Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя