|lil bebe • cesar|

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"Hey Cesar." You smiled as you passed the boy you had been crushing on for months now. He turned his head and gave you a smile before heading to his next class.

You were at school right now, and you were on your way to your fourth period. Luckily, you and Cesar were in the same class. It was math and you usually sat together since he didn't know anyone else but you.

You weren't really apart of his friends group, but you still considered yourself to be his friend. You both always acknowledged each other during school hours, and sometimes spoke during math class.

As you entered the classroom, you automatically sat in your usual seat. It was towards the back of the room. You liked it because you wanted an excuse for Cesar to talk to you compared to if you were in the front where the teacher was, meaning you would rarely speak.

When you finally took out your notebooks and homework for the class, you spotted Cesar walking in. You didn't want to seem desperate so you quickly looked down instead of calling him by you.

A few seconds passed before you saw him slide into the chair beside you. You looked up giving him a small smile, which he returned, and continued jotting down the notes that were on the board.

"Did I miss anything?" Cesar whispered to you while taking out his books.

"No, just write down the notes."

He nodded to you gratefully and did what you told him. You sat there and contemplated on what to say next. You wanted to talk and get to know him but you didn't know how to.

You sighed to yourself as you heard the boring lecture about geometry. You debated on whether or not to make a joke but you quickly shot that idea down.

If he wanted to talk to you, he would have to make the move first. You were tired of smiling at him and being nice when he wasn't the one who started doing that, you were.

Knocking you out of your thoughts, you felt a tap on your arm. You looked at Cesar knowing it came from him. He was still keeping his eyes on the teacher but you saw he was holding a folded piece of paper. He moved his hand forward urging you to take it.

Grabbing it, you opened it excitedly. This was new to you and you thought about all the possibilities of what could go right or wrong. It read:

I know we don't talk much, but I'd like to get to know you better. Can I have your number?

You smiled to yourself and wrote your phone number down on the paper. You weren't sure if he was asking as a friend or something more, but you didn't care.

Handing the paper back to him, he grabbed it and opened it right away. You saw he smiled through the corner of your eye. You blushed slightly, as you saw him turn his head to you.

"Thanks (Y/n). I'll text you tonight, beautiful." He whispered as the bell rang. You nodded with a smile as you put your books away. Now you couldn't wait for when school ended.

doing a triple update this week because next week i'm super busy so enjoy!

 on my block imagines Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz