|make up • oscar|

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requested by niqueniquejailee! hope you enjoy! <3

I came to my boyfriends house. He was having a party and all his male friends were there, with the exception of a few other women who were either the girlfriends or just straight up hoes.

As I stepped through the house and into the backyard, I wasn't surprised to hear the loud music and the laughs of the people who attended the party.

As I ventured deeper into the crowd, I kept my eyes open for Oscar. Whenever I came to parties like these, me and him usually sat together on the old couch. I excitedly walked over to the couch with a smile on my face. When I got there my smile quickly turned into a frown.

My eyes automatically widened at the scene that was in front of me. A girl sat on his lap as she flirted with him. I wouldn't have minded if he told her to get off but he was enjoying it.

He smirked at her as she laughed at something he said. She was barely wearing clothes. Everything was cropped and tight, something Oscar seemed to be in to, something I wasn't into.

"O-Oscar?" I stuttered. I stared at him in disbelief. What the hell was he doing?

When he finally snapped out of his trance after he heard me, he stared at me in shock. That jerk. He hurriedly pushed the girl off him and got up to his feet.

"(Y/n). It's not what it looks like." He said while stepping forward to me. I stepped backwards away from him. How dare he.

"Seriously? That's the best you got? You are such a liar! Of course it's exactly what it looks like! I'm not stupid." I gritted through clenched teeth. I was so pissed that I just turned around and stormed out of the backyard and into the house.

Walking through the front door, I heard heavy footsteps behind me. Knowing it was Oscar, I slammed the door in his face before he could even think of following me.

Wow. And to think I was actually going to tell him that I loved him tonight. I'm so stupid! I should have seen this coming but I didn't. How could I? Our relationship seemed so perfect, that him cheating on me would be that last thing on my mind. This was so fucking cliche it was hard to believe it just happened.

When I finally was outside, I heard the door open and slam shut behind me. I turned around and was met with an angry Oscar.

"What the hell were you thinking, huh? You embarrassed me in front of all my boys back there!" He brushed his hand over the short buzz-cut that was on his head. "You know you always gotta make me feel bad for shit I never do. I'm sick and tired of that. Besides, the other hyna over there knows what I like, something you don't know." He pointed at me with disgust.

I looked at him with tears streaming down my face. What did I do wrong? Was he seriously mad that I called him out? What a dick!

"I don't care what you think of me Spooky." I had never called him by that name before and it felt foreign coming out of my mouth. "We are over. Don't you ever come near me again, got it?" I yelled. Spooky looked at me with a hard expression on his face. I turned around and finally walked away from him for good.

"I ain't gonna miss you anyway (Y/n)! Your dead to me! And I never even loved you!" He yelled.

I continued walking as more tears fell from my watery eyes. I was so heartbroken and violated that words could never explain it. He hurt me so bad that I hated him for it. He made me feel like I was the side-hoe and that the other girl wasn't. What the hell is wrong with him?

As I continued walking, I decided I would go straight home. I was in no mood to talk to a friend about what just happened. I wanted to be alone.


I sat on the couch while eating ice cream. It was my favorite of course, perfect for this occasion. I stared at the romance that was playing on the T.V.

I tried my best not to cry during the cheesy scenes but my attempt had failed. Each time, I thought of Oscar and how that could've been us. But it was over.

As the movie continued playing and I stuffed my face with ice cream, I heard a knock at the door. Getting up from my spot, I opened it.

"(Y/n)." I heard before opening the door all the way. I knew who's voice that was and I didn't want to see him right now. I quickly slammed it shut in his face before he could come inside.

"C'mon (Y/n). Please let me in!" He pleaded. I shook my head no even though he couldn't see me. I had no idea what to do. I didn't want him to be here, but a secret part of me did. "We really need to talk. Let me in baby."

I sighed while finally opening the door. There stood Oscar with a frown on his face. He smiled slightly once he saw my pissed off expression. I stepped aside, motioning him to come in.

"You only got five minutes max. Hurry up."

Oscar breathed in deeply before talking. "I am so fucking sorry, (Y/n). You have no idea how much I regret what I did. When you left I kicked everyone out so that I could think about what I did. That girl meant nothing. I guess I was just too scared to have someone that I really loved that I tried to go to her to see if it was real or not."

"What the hell Oscar. That makes no sense! You went to her to see if you love me or not?" I cut him off. He sighed before continuing again.

"I'm sorry (Y/n). I'm so fucking sorry. I love you so much and I didn't mean what I said before. Your the one for me and I messed up. Please, let me make it up to you." He pleaded with tears in his eyes. I stood there in shock. What had happened to the bad boy Spooky Diaz? Now he's crying over me.

"Oscar."I said quietly, not sure what to say to him. He seemed very emotional and I didn't want to ruin this moment.

"Please (Y/n). I need you in my life." He begged. I nodded while stepping towards him.

"I love you Spooky." I whispered as I hugged him. He returned the gesture and held me tighter. I smiled into his shirt. I lifted my head and connected our lips together. The kiss was soft and short but passionate. When we separated for air, Oscar had a big grin on his face.

"I love you so damn much (Y/n)."

this wasn't that great but i tried!

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