|boo'd up • oscar|

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"Hey, Oscar." I smiled to my boyfriend.

He nodded his head not looking at me. He was sitting on his couch while looking down at his folded hands.

"You alright?"

He sighed, lifting his head up. He stared up at me with a non-readable expression.

I walked over and sat next to him. Oscar continued staring at the wall a few feet in front of him. He was acting as if I wasn't there.

I scooted my body closer to his. He jerked away from me as if I was a disease.

Well that hurt.


He scowled at my words. He turned his head at me and stared. Oscar was scaring me. He never acted like this.

"Please talk to me. I can tell something's wrong Oscar." I placed my hand over his fisted one.

His eyes momentarily softened but went back to being stone-cold.

"What's the matter, hermoso?"

I tried smiling to lighten up the mood but it did nothing. It was starting to get awkward sitting here with him ignoring me.

"Okay then, Oscar. Your obviously in one of your "tough guy" moods, so I'm going to go ahead and leave." I began to get up but Oscars voice stopped me.

"Hold up, (Y/n)." He said in his deep voice. He had placed his calloused hand on my shoulder. I turned around, crossing my arms. "Im sorry. It's just been a rough day. I'm just worried about you and Cesar's safety. With the other gangs and all."

I rolled my eyes while looking down. Lame ass excuse.

"Can I make it up to you, mi amor?" He tilted my head up with his finger. Oscar stepped closer to me and lightly caressed my cheek.

"I guess." I muttered.

"Your so beautiful (Y/n)." He grinned down at me. I lifted an eyebrow at his statement.

"Whatever, perdedor."

"Did you just call me a loser?" He laughed. I shrugged my shoulders while smirking.

"Your gonna pay for that, (Y/n)." He devilishly smiled.

I widened my eyes while taking a step back. Oscar mirrored my moves. Each time I went back he followed.

Instead of backing down, I ran to the side of the room. Oscar laughed.

He sprinted towards me and grabbed me by the waist. I yelped as he lifted me into his shoulder.

"Oscar! No!" I screeched.

He lightly threw me into the couch and began to torture me with tickles. I laughed as I was in pain. Tears pricked my eyes from the laughter.

"P-please. Sto-op!"

Oscar soon stopped and smirked at me. 

"Your mean." I huffed.

"No I'm not (Y/n). But either way, you love me." He winked. I giggled while rolling my eyes.

"Your right, I do love you." I grinned.

Oscar leaned down and caressed my lips with his. His kisses were amazing. We soon broke apart, our foreheads resting against each others.

He stared into my eyes, as I stared into his dark brown ones.

"God, your perfect."

sorry it's a bit boring but i hope you like it :)

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