Call Me, Maybe I'm His Killer

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Hey I just met you 
and this is crazy 
but I'm your [spoilers] 
don't kill me maybe?

The door cracked open, and the kids' shouting poured into the kitchen. Kazuha in the lead, she was the first to notice Kudou. He sat at the table behind Heiji, snoring away without a care in the world. Immediately, she shushed the kids and ushered them out of the room, closing the door behind them.

She took a seat across from Heiji at the counter. "Sorry 'bout that. If I'd known, I wouldn't 've brought 'em in here in the first place," she murmured.

He shook his head. "Ya don't need ta apologize. I'm the one who told ya ta leave your phone on silent. Ya wouldn't 've gotten a notification even if I did text ya."

She punched his shoulder, but there was little force behind it. "Ahou. How am I supposed ta help the two of ya if ya never tell me what's goin' on?"

He shook his head. "Just be there for me, an' that'll be 'nough." A red tint rose to her cheeks as he realized what he'd said. "I mean, be there ta help me out an' stuff, an it'll be 'nough for me ta get the case solved," he stammered.



"Shut up."

He happily obliged.

She rested her chin on her hands. "How long ago did he...?"

"'Bout an hour ago, right after ya left. He ate some of last night's dinner and just... clocked out." He frowned. "No, he looked at the autopsy first. Did ya know Akagi-han was sedated b'fore the—" He stopped. She got a look in her eyes, a mixture of hesitancy and something else he could never place. He learned that expression was a signal to stop with the cases. Kazuha always seemed happier, more like herself, when he did.

He scratched the back of his neck. "I didn't want ta drag ya inta this case. The only reason I like this kind of thing is 'cause it's like a puzzle that so few people know how to solve, an' I just get all riled up, and—!" There. That look again. "I'm jus' tryin' ta say I know suspects can get weird. Havin' someone close ta ya killed 'll do that ta a person, I guess."

She nodded, silent for a moment. Her gaze shifted to Kudou. "Should we wake 'im up? I'm gonna tell ya what the 'weird suspects' said, I don't think he'll wanted it repeated twice."

"Maybe, but he doesn't get 'nough sleep as it is." Heiji shook his head at Kudou. "I told him ta leave the case ta me, ta go an talk with nee-chan, but he keeps insistin' on bein' involved."

She looked back at Heiji. "He's got limited time here, doesn't he."

His heart decided to stop for a moment. His brain thought it was a good idea to do the same. All that came from his mouth was "What."

"Heiji, I'm not stupid." She deadpanned, almost glared at him. "I've talked with Shinichi-kun 'nough ta understand he's in danger. The way you an' Ran-chan act's been makin' me think so, too. I know ya're hidin' somethin' from me, both you an' Shinichi-kun. It's somethin' he doesn't want Ran-chan ta know. I know he doesn't want her ta worry 'bout him.

"So I started thinkin'. Maybe he got sick on this case? Maybe he's got meds he's gotta take ta be fully functional. It's pro'lly why he's always gotta leave b'fore he really talks ta Ran-chan an' why he's always so sick when he shows up." She folded her hands together, expectantly looking up at him for confirmation.

He was dumbstruck for a moment. He ran a hand through his hair at last. "I need ta stop underestimatin' ya, Kazuha," he said, shaking his head with wonder.

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