Even for me with the ability to look quickly.

We got hit by alot of metal shit.

Luther got hit by a car door. He ended up being okay. Physically.


Diego got hit by a random ass slab of metal. He needed medical attention. It knocked him out. Grace hurried in. She took him away.

Alison could have been crushed if Luther didn't get to the debris before hand.

Klaus kept running for his life. Being high and seeing this shit is all the more trippy.

Five was time jumping to try and find the damn off button with me.

Ben had been using his power to throw debris away from harms way. He was helping Klaus a bit to make sure he didn't get hit.

Vanya watched in fear for our damn lives.

Five and I, Finally fucking found the off button.

The academy had never felt more fucking relieved.

Training again tomorrow.

Diego ended up being okay.

Thank God.

Dad is such a dick. We are at risk with our lives everyday. It comes with having to save the world.

Mentally we are all fucked up.

So I did what I do best.

I got drunk as a skunk, and high as a kite.

I of course invited Klaus. Five is usually here anyway.

Diego came after realizing what the fuck was happening in his surroundings.

Apparently not too much because when he was chilling by my wall he stuck his knife in one of the plugs.

The only one that could help him was me since they would have been shocked. I already have the power of voltage. He was all like,

"Holy shit! I did not think that would fucking work!" He was all happy and laughing.

I was all like,

"You're such a dipshit. I love it." We started laughing. I took a big ass gulp of my vodka.

Five pulled me close to him. He got kinda jealous.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him smiling.

I brought my bong out. It really was only me and Klaus that knew I had one.

Diego took a big ass hit. He was tripping ballsack. Five tried it and was tripping. We couldn't stop laughing. It is so much better doing this with hella chill people.

After that we tried playing hide and go seek.

Sounds childish until you realize the way we played it.

I used my telekinesis, ninja stars and rocks. I had to detect movement me and Diego heard alot, and I caused alot of black eyes. Alot of deep cuts.

Diego and I were the seekers obviously. Diego has the power to bend anything he throws. I have telekinesis and don't even have to touch the weapons.

I had the idea.

"I just got this amazing fucking idea. We should play hide and go seek." They all looked at me like I was fucking crazy.

Diego was all like,

"What are you fucking Ten?" I use my telekinesis to make him spill vodka all over himself.

"What the hell?!" He tried cleaning himself.

I was all like,

"No dipshit. We can use knives and rocks. We have to be blindfolded. We detect movement and we throw when we think someone is in a certain place." He nodded.

Diego was all like,

"We will be the seekers since it makes sense."

Then I was all like,

"You get hit, keep fucking going and run for your damn life."

Five was all like,

"Sure, why the hell not?" Klaus rose up his glass in agreement.

I blindfolded myself with my black blindfolds I already had. I have alot of shit purely to just feed my ideas. I had a giant bowl full of rocks and blades. It was mixed.

We started. Me an Diego were back to back. We had the lights turned off as well to make sure we couldn't see.

I yelled,

"LETS FUCKING GO!" I hear immediate moment. I threw a rock.

I heard Five yell,

"Shit!!" Then I heard him teleport.

We heard movement again. Diego ended up throwing a ninja star.

It hit Klaus.

"CHRIST!!" He fell to the ground in pain.

After like ten more throws. They were pretty damn injured.

They had Nick's to the leg and arms. Black eyes.

"How the hell are we supposed to stay away if you guys have a one hundred percent chance of hitting your fucking target?!" Klaus yelled.

"Fine." I turned on the light. Diego was startled so he threw a ninja star at moment.



It got my fucking shoulder.

"Oops." Diego said laughing.

I pulled it out of my shoulder an threw it on the ground.

We chilled for a bit. Klaus and Five cleaning and bandaging their wounds.

Eventually Diego left. He went to go sharpen his knives.

I was laying in the middle of my bed. Klaus passed out beside me on my left.

Five was on my right.

"How's your shoulder?" Five asked.

"Your headass is asking how I'm doing." He laughed.

I made out with him for a bit and then he left since he was exhausted.

Cute ass bitch.

I'm a fucking softie now.

I wanted to write this before going to sleep.

Klaus will probably wake up in bit.

I probably won't get any form of fucking sleep, but here you go an entry.

That's all that happened today. Tomorrow might be busiest.

Who fucking knows?

Anyway, see you tomorrow fuckers.


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