Evelyn lent back against the wall as she heard her captain's voice yell instructions at her presumably worn out teammates. Then, audible groans and Grant Page's annoyed exclamations filled her ears as the Ravenclaw Quidditch team followed Roger's orders to run.

Evelyn smiled genuinely for the first time in days. She closed her eyes and began to dream up a few new Ice cream flavors, waiting for the moment Roger would yell "play!" In that moment, she had found at least one good thing to come out of her's Max's seperation - at least now she coukd skip out on Roger's extensive and excessively triring physical fitness routine.


A soft wind comforted Evelyn, spreadimg her high ponytail through the air, the pair of royal blue Quidditch robes she wore flowing far behind her. Roger had been right - now that she was soaring through the sky, her head was cleared and she could finally relax. There was nothing that could disturb her when she flew, and for that she was thankful.

Evelyn tossed the Quaffle swiftly through the left side hoop seconds after Roger announced the end of training. She quickly swooped down, landing gracefully on her feet and jogging over to the rest of the group were gathering.

"Brilliant! Well done guys! Great practice!" Roger exclaimed as Cho Chang landed softly beside him, "I'll let you know when I can next book the pitch, but very well done and you just keep proving that this team is incredibly strong!"

"That's great Rodge," Grant Page commented, "so now lets get changed." he left at a sprint for the changing rooms. Stretton, Samuels and Inglebee followed immediately, and Roger sped off seconds after (but not before rolling his eyes.)

"Boys." Cho complained as She and Evelyn started to walk back. Evelyn giggled.

"I'll never understand them." She mumbled, looking at her boots. Cho took her chance and let a question escape her mouth.

"Evie, Max said you're friends with the Weasley twins." she said cautiously, "Is that - you know - true?"

"Not exactly. I'd say we're mostly just aquaitences."

"Is that why you and Max had a fight?"

"You could say that." Evelyn said, her voice was completely robotic, holding no emotion as they entered the changing rooms.

Evelyn slipped behind a wall to get changed, she emerged quickly and walked over to Roger.

"Thanks for before." She mumbled quietly. Roger grinned.

"Not a problem," He replied quietly, "I hope you and Max sort everything out." Evelyn simply nodded in response before she turned slowly and wandered out of the door.

"Poor girl." Grant muttered. A murmur of agreement spread throughout the room. Then, the Ravenclaw quidditch team dissolved into silence, with only the scratch of clothing and the wind outside to keep their ears from rotting away.


It was surprisingly warm for late September, and the afternoon sun was low in the sky, inches away from sinking into a orange sunset. Evelyn learned he winds were soft and warming, yet the surface of the Black lake that rippled at the thouch of her fingers held a harsh coldness. One single bird was singing. Singing a simple melody, so gentle on the ear. Evelyn couldn't tell where the bird was, but it's song numbed the empty feeling inside of her.

Lowering herself to the ground, she laid her broomstick beside her, and picked up a small stone. The stone was smooth, it was pleasing to touch. It slipped easily around her palm, trying to escape her grasp.

Evelyn tossed the rock at the water. It bounced twice on the surface, before submerging with a satisfying plop. She picked up another stone, and another, and another. Slowly, she launched each one into the lake. Soon enough, the only stones saved from her silent frustration were the rough and imperfect ones.

The world had come to a tranquil rest, as though it had listened to Evelyn's distressed thoughts. Everything she had worried over didn't matter anymore. She didn't need to worry about them. For the time being, Evelyn could continue absorbing the calming sensation Quidditch practice had given her, without questioning.

Then all at once, the tranquility diminished.

"Hey Fortescue! You up for a little game tomorrow?" Fred asked. He flopped beside her. Suddenly, the little bird wasn't singing anymore, and Evelyn gazed at it's graceful body fly off over the lake.

"Fred's got it all worked out." George added, mimicking his brother exactly. Now the sun had broken the barrier, and the sky was becoming more orange by the word.

"Yeah! You just need to meet me outside Gryffindor common room at six o'clock tomorrow, and we can go from there!" Fred exclaimed.

"Sure." Evelyn mumbled, accepting that she was not going to get the peace back. She looked up at Fred as brightly as she could.


"What are we doing?" She asked, genuinely curious.

"I can't tell you that, Fortescue." Fred teased, "Thats confidential information."

"Confidential huh? So I suppose Weasley twin number two has no idea what it is either then?" She asked, a small smirk creeping onto her face.

"Well... Um... You know, It doesn't matter. Just don't forget to meet me, okay?" He reminded her seriously. Evelyn chuckled.


"Great!" the boys said, their near Identical voices tied togethet into one extra obnoxious one. Then, the boys quickly jumped up, and Evelyn stared out into the quickly darkening sky.

"You coming inside or what?" George asked from behind her.

"It's going to be dark soon, and you really shouldn't be out here then." Fred added.

"Plus, theres food on offer." George continued. When Evelyn shook her head, they sighed.

"Fine." Fred chuckled, "but come in soon, or I might come and drag you in myself." Fred and George then sped off into the castle, yet the tranquility was not restored, as students seemed to be running inside.

A few moments later, Evelyn picked up her broom and slipped inside the castle. She put her broom upstairs in the common room, before joining Jodie at Ravenclaw table, and piling her plate with sausages and mashed potatoes.

A/N: Hey there, It's Ame! So, let me know if you're liking the story so far by leaving a comment or a vote! (Well, you don't have to, but it really helps keep us wtiters motivated!) I hope you're excited to see what Fred has in store for Evie! I just hope I don't disappoint, although it might be a little predictable! Anyway, hope you enjoyed chaper 12, and that It wasn't too boring for you!

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