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We always thought your Uncle Luke would be the first one in our group to get completely wasted and not remember a single thing in the morning when we go out but ever since your Aunt Nicole returned, he's a little more responsible so everyone was surprised when it was me who woke up in your Uncle Luke's apartment wearing nothing but my boxers.

"Wakey wakey Calum!"

"Five more minutes...."

"Calum, you're asleep in my bathtub wearing nothing but your boxers. You disturbed my sleep because Nicole walked in and saw you like this and screamed...so please....you already gave us a hard enough night at the club the other day we don't need to deal with....this."

"What happened?"

"A looooot. Just get your clothes on and I'll tell you."

I guess you would be able to guess how fast it took me to get changed and I almost tripped over my own feet a couple of times but in the end I got it and had one of the most awkward breakfasts ever.

"So...calum....how do you feel?"

"Uh...is any one of you two going to tell me what the heck happened last night?"

"Thats Luke's job..." And then I had to wait and wait until your Uncle Luke finally decided to come downstairs.

"Luke please tell me what happened...."

"Check your phone." That was all he said....and so I did and I swear I have never ever dropped my phone as quickly as I did at that moment.

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