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I’m back, anyways where was I? “You saw…”

Right right, I know where I was


~back to the story~

Anyways,…. As she was saying….. “How is Luke???”

When she asked me this I was tempted to make up a big fat lie and tell her that everything was completely fine and that Luke is totally not an asshole and that he totally isn’t checking out another girl right as we speak. But I couldn’t do that to her, I could never really do that to anyone. And the hurt in her eyes just told me it’s way better to be truthful rather than leave the details out.

“He’s not the same……”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is….it’s best if you don’t see him Nicole….it’s for the best.”

“Look the three hour conversation that Luke and I had wasn’t all that great but I know Luke, he wouldn’t change….”

“But he has.” So I stepped aside and pointed at Luke.

“Why the hell is he wearing a suite?”

“He’s become a player Nicole….after your call with him he disappeared for three days and then he comes back as this….that.”  I didn’t know what else to call him. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault……”

“Im not saying that it is I’m just saying sorry because the love of your life doesn’t love you anymore.”


Her loud voice caught the attention of everyone in the bar. The bartender stopped making drinks and was mid-way through wiping a glass. Everyone stopped and all turned to look at your Aunt Nicole. Seeing this, I turned to look at the booth. Jasmine and Ashton were both shocked and then I looked over at your Uncle Luke. And the whole ‘lady man’ look completely disappeared from his face. His eyes were on Nicole, just like everyone else’s and he places his drink on the table before rushing out.

Shortly after Nicole went out after him and everyone resumed doing what they were doing. Meaning I slowly returned to the booth where I knew that your Aunt Jasmine would be pushing on with questions. “WHAT THE HELL.” And she whacked me with her tissue. “Did you know that she was going to be back?”

“NO! I didn’t, I dropped my drink earlier but apparently none of you noticed and I dropped it because I saw her on the other side of the bar.”

“Did you see Luke’s face just as he saw her? He still loves her….you can’t deny that kind of look…” Your aunt Jasmine and Uncle Ashton proceeded to have their general couple conversation and while they were distracted by each other I slipped out of the booth and made my way to where Nicole and Luke left too, I was far too interested to know what they were saying.

“Luke calm down! You’re hyperventilating.”

“How do you expect me to calm down Nicole?”

“I don’t know! Just try!”

“I c-can’t…..”

“Yes you can…..I know you can Luke…..”

….. “Okay…is this better?”

“Yes it is….would you like to sit on the side or are you scared to get your suite dirty?”

“I don’t even care anymore…..”

“What do you mean?”

“I hated how I have been since you left Nicole and I hate pretending that everything is fine because clearly, I’m not fine at all.” I tried not to gasp because of exactly what Luke was referring to.

“Amnesia…..” Your Aunt Nicole beat me to it. “That’s from Amnesia.”

“Yeah….it is.”

“Are you mad at Calum for showing me the song?”

“A little….how did you find it?”

“I loved it.”

“Y-you did?”

“I did.”

“Well…I guess that’s a good thing….right?”

“It’s the reason I came back Luke….”

“You came back because of the song?

“I came back because I thought of you.”


“Yes you. You dork.”


“I want us to try again but not so quickly okay?”

“Anything. Anything for you…”

“We’ll start out as friends okay? It’ll just be like in junior high again….”

“I’d much rather relive those days than not have them at all.”

“So….would you like to go back to my place so I can beat your ass at FIFA????”

“Of course….” And I took the smallest look at the two and the smile that they were giving each other was the exact same look that I witnessed years before, the moment when Luke realized he was hopelessly in love with her. As the pair left, I smiled a little to myself knowing that they’d be completely alright.

Or so we thought….

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