Don't trust Uncle Michael [Pt. 1]

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Getting the band started was a bit of a struggle. “Is mum in this?” We’ll get to that later.

“When is later?” Not now.

“So when?” Will you let me continue?

“When is mum in this?” I said later.

“Dad you’re being vague.” And you’re being rude.

“Ugh fine, continue.” Thank you. As I was saying getting the band started was a bit of a struggle.


“Where the hell is Calum?” Now I didn’t turn up for two band practices when Ashton first joined the band. I don’t remember why I didn’t turn up but I just did. And because of the fact that I wasn’t there, I didn’t know exactly what happened but this is what went down according to Michael.

“Where the hell is Calum?”- Ashton

“Probably out frolicking in his room because of no reason.” – Luke

“Well he should be here.”- Ashton *Ariana Grande appears out of nowhere*

“Hello there Michael” –Ariana *Ariana winks*

Yeah that probably didn’t happen but according to Michael it did. Lesson from me kids: Don’t trust Uncle Michael.


“What about that time when Uncle Michael said he had the coolest thing to show us that involved guns and explosions and you trusted him with showing us?” As I said: Don’t trust your Uncle Mike.

“But dad, you trust him with you bass guitar while you were gone.” Once again: Don’t trust your Uncle Mike.

“But dad…” For the third time don’t trust your Uncle Michael.

“But.” Don’t.

“Bu-.” Don’t.

“Da-.” Kacie, you’re grounded.

“Ha! You’re gro-.” So are you Robin. I still can’t believe I called my son Robin. Anyways, as I was saying. I didn’t turn up for two band practises and the one where I finally turned up, we had to stay at your Uncle Mike’s house and that probably wasn’t the best full band meeting.



“You’re sleeping on the floor.” At that moment, I swore I hated Ashton.

“Why?” I asked. Then he proceeded to tell me that he was a better band member than I was and told me he was responsible enough to come to the practices. He got a point. But I still think he was an asshole for making me sleep on the floor.

At the time I trusted Michael to stand up for me but he didn’t.

So remember kids. Don’t trust your Uncle Michael.



“But dad…” Kacie I’m grounding you for two weeks. Robin, say it.

“Don’t trust Uncle Michael.” Good son. Kids, don’t trust your Uncle Michael.

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