First date :)

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- John had taken you to a fancy restaurant where he has been non stop calling you beautiful and holding the door for you along with pushing your chair in.
You guys split a desert and topped it off with dancing.
- George had decided to go a little bold on your first date and took you to a concert of both of your favorite band. You were surprised on how he got tickets because you thought they were sold out, but he has connections ;)
- Paul wanted to just stay in with you and watch movies together. You thought it was a really adorable idea plus lately you haven't been wanting to go out a whole lot. You cuddled up next to him under a big soft blanket and binged a few movies you both enjoyed.
-Ringo had the perfect idea of taking you to a Carnival. You both rode a few rides together and while screaming for your life, you guys managed to have fun. He won you a giant teddy bear and at the top of the Ferris wheel, you got a kiss.

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