10 : Preparations

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It's been five days since Charles last spoke to his friends and brother. Amanda has been convincing Charlotte to talk to him but her sister was as stubborn a mule while David spoke to Jonathan on Charles behavior but Jonathan wouldn't drop a single hint on as to why Charles was acting that way.

Bella grew worried for her brother. Matthew kept telling her that everything will be alright and that they will fix things themselves. All Charles needed was time. However Edward was very concerned for his mate, Charles was more quiet than usual and wouldn't even spare a glance towards his friends. Sure Edward knows nothing about Charles' relationship and friendship with the others but he could tell that his actions towards them hurt them and the same goes for Charles.

It was prom week and prom was around the corner, three days from now. The some students were all busy decorating the gymnasium while some were busy shopping for the perfect outfit to match their dates. And this day just had to be the worst for Charles. Not only was he one of the assigned students to decorate the gym but his friends just so happens to be one of the assigned students to help decorate.

While the Smith sisters and David were assigned with putting up the streamers, Bella, Matthew, Edward, Jonathan and Charles were in charge of the balloons. Alice, Jasper, Emmet and Rosalie were out looking for clothes for the prom. The tension was noticeable to the group as Charles made no attempt to meet eyes with Charlotte, his best friend. Charlotte, she didn't care.

A small squeal caught everyone's attention along with some chuckles from a certain immortal. Jonathan was holding in his laughter as Bella glared at him for popping the balloon with a pin while she was still inflating it. "Jon!" She threw the once balloon at her brother who finally let out his laughter. Charles chuckled and shook his head as he tied the end of an inflated balloon only to flinch when it popped. He blinked before turning to Jonathan with a glare.

"Jonathan Kyle Dwyer-Decker. What the fuck was that for?" Jonathan only smirked at the reaction he got from his brother. "Aww~~ Did a little balloon scare you?" Jonathan taunted while chuckling and Charles looked down at the small box of tacks and looked back up at Jonathan and smirked.

Jonathan's smirk disappeared when he saw Charles pick up something he couldn't see. His eyes widened and he crouched down and heard a chorus of balloons popping behind him. "Hey!! Watch it!!" Charles was just grinning as he tossed the tacks in his hands up while eyeing Jonathan. "You started it. You should watch it." Jonathan have his brother a glare while the other taunted him further. "You could've killed me." Jonathan said dramatically causing Charles to roll his eyes. "Hurt you, maybe, but not kill. You should know, we aren't that easy to kill. Even giving birth won't kill us. It'll just take half of our life since children of our kind is quite . . ." Charles gave different expressions before nodding at Jonathan.

"Give birth?" Edward muttered as he now stood beside Charles. Jonathan scoffed as Charles nodded at the vampire. "Yeah. Immortals like me and Jonathan could get pregnant." Edward furrowed his eyebrows. "But you're a guy." Charles chuckled at his words while shaking his head. "I'm not sure how it happens but we just can." Edward's eyes stared straight into Charles that seemed to be glowing before seeing an vision of him and Charles with a child and not just one but two, twins. "Edward." He snapped out of his trance as Charles smiled wryly at him before shaking his head. "Don't think too much about it." Edward only nodded and helped Charles inflate more balloons.

Jonathan saw the way Edward looked at Charles and looked at his brother sadly before sighing and shaking his head. "Jonathan." He turned his head towards Charlotte who now stood beside him. "Did Charles tell him?" She asked while eyeing Charles and Edward as Edward popped a balloon behind Charles and the other jumping in surprise. "About what?" He asked as he finished tying a balloon. "About his eyes." Jonathan glanced at her then at the duo before sighing. "I don't think he has." "He has to tell him at some point." She said and Jonathan let out a breath. "I know but you know Charles. That topic is very touchy for him." "Just like your hidden little angel?" He turned to Charlotte who gave him a knowing look. "I have no idea what you mean." Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows, about to speak but Jonathan walked off and helped Bella with the balloons.

Charlotte looked back at her sister and David who shared the same knowing look they sent the brothers. "One way or another, they'll have to know and I suggest they do it soon." She muttered before walking back to her sister and her boyfriend.

Not too long after, the whole gym was decorated and the group all sighed in relief for finishing early. About to leave, Charlotte ran to Charles and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Charles." He looked over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes as he faced his best friend. "I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry. It's just that I didn't want you to hate me for revealing myself as an immortal to the Cullens, its just that I noticed they were there when we were fighting off the vampires nearby Duke's and rather than hiding it I wanted to let them know since one way or another they'll find out. Though I never meant for them to find out that way. Please forgive me." She said holding onto his wrist and he looked down at their hands be for looking up at her with a smile. "That's all I needed hear." He said and Charlotte smiled at him. Charles opened his arms for a hug and she reciprocated the action. "I miss our best friend hug." She muttered and he hummed. Charlotte noticed Edward not too far away waiting for his mate and she smiled before pulling away and creating an invisible barrier around her and Charles. "Will you ever tell him about your- about it?" She asked, concerned for her best friend. Charles understood what she was referring to and bit on his lower lip, eyes averting to the side. "I'm not sure. I don't wanna know his reaction." "You have to tell him at some point." He nodded. "I know. I'm just. . . not ready." She offered him a smile and patted his shoulder. "Well I shouldn't keep him waiting for you for too long."

Charles smiled at his best friend and walked off to where Edward was waiting for him. "Did you two make up?" Edward asked his mate as his arms instinctively wrapped themselves on Charles' waist. Charles only hummed, not bothered by the action. "Yeah. We're alright now. All I needed to hear was an 'I'm sorry' and that's it." He said as he leaned his head on Edward's shoulder. "Have you seen Jonathan and Bella?" He asked and Edward chuckled in response causing Charles to look at him with a questioning look. "Jonathan's with Bella and Matthew, third wheeling." Charles chuckled at his words and shook his head. "Well I can imagine that. Jonathan used to third wheel Amanda and David when me and Charlotte are hanging out." It was Edward's turn to chuckle as he looked at Charles. "Is it weird that I can imagine too? Even though he and I aren't close." Charles shook his head. "It's not weird because it's just how we see Jonathan." "I heard my name being mentioned!! Are you guys backstabbing me?!" The duo looked in front and saw Jonathan glaring at them while Bella and Matthew chuckled behind him.

"Charles come on! We still have to find you some clothes!" Jonathan whined making Bella and Charles stare at him like he grew another head. "Since when did you care about looking good?" The two asked in unison making Jonathan frown at them. "Come on!" The two rolled their eyes but complied. Bella pecked Matthew's cheek and got in her truck then left while Charles did the same to Edward, surprising the vampire, before dragging a slack jawed Jonathan to their car. Once inside the vehicle Jonathan stared at Charles who laughed at him. "Now that the decorations are done~" Charles then looked at his brother.

"What do you say we make some preparations?"

Hey guys!! I know it's later than I promised about updating a chapter but let me just say it, fever is such a pain. I wasn't allowed to hold my phone for too long because I wasn't feeling well! But now that I'm better I just hoped the chapter was satisfying enough for you guys! And one more thing. I am making this story Mpreg and this idea is all thanks to MezmericGrove. And not to worry about the plot, it will still be the same it's just that I'll be adding a little extra detail.

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