Changing Sides

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Nico looked at Will. The blonde looked like he was hiding something. He was acting weird when they were around Octavian, and he had a look in his eye whenever he talked to Nicole, a gleam of some kind of irritation and disgust. It looked like he was trying to hide it, but Nico could tell. After all, his father gave him the same look before.
The son of Hades had decided to confront his boyfriend on the matter. "Will I need to talk to you, alone." Will automatically assumes the worst and cuts Nico off. "I don't know what I did, but please don't break up with me." "That's not what I'm talking about. You're hiding something from me, and I don't like it. Please tell me what's going on. You look at Nicole like you hate her and don't think I didn't notice how weird you are around Octavian. What's going on?"
Will starts fidgeting with his shirt. "I don't know what your talking about?" Nico stops him. "Yes you do. Cough it up now." The blonde's face had a sullen look. "Fine. I'll tell you. I couldn't even hide it from you. I am here to recruit. I was told to try and get you to join us. I didn't want to leave you, so I told them I would recruit you."
Nico was shocked. "What do you mean 'recruit'? What are you talking about?"
"I joined Percy and was a spy at Camp Halfblood. I was so tired of those assholes thinking they could walk all over me. They hurt Percy so much and I was told to 'just make sure he doesn't die' but I wasn't allowed to properly heal him. I was tired of the f****** bulls*** that they spat out. But I couldn't just leave you. Please join us. You, me, and Percy will all be happy together."
Nico looked at Will, "I need some time to think about everything."
"Of course. Percy is probably on his way to get Octavian. You have until then to decide."

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