The Edge of the Rainforest

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After a few minutes, Cocoa and Vine landed along the edge of the trees as they began to disperse. Here there were clusters of mysterious little holes. The sand blew into them but some shining black ring prevented each from caving in. There were some cacti here and there but other than that it was a barren land of dunes. The RainWing plopped down beside her out of breath and slightly parched already.

"We're here — OVERRIPE MELONS — why is it so hooootttttt. Get your tail moving alreadyyyy," Vine complained half-jokingly.

Cocoa shook her head, "alright, alright old lizard."

"HEY, I'm only two years older than you..." He muttered.

Vine was just less than 2 years older than her but he sometimes acted like a baby dragonet. Either way, she enjoyed his company and loved their time together, no matter how trivial.

Cocoa dug somewhat of a hole in the sand, and before it could sink back she blew a straight stream of fire into it. Her green-black flames began to melt the sand, melt it into a glossier surface. But before it completely solidified a host of creatures crawled out another hole in the sand. Cocoa directed her fire in their direction as a bigger furrier thing came after them.

Great, fox again. Cocoa would take what she could get though and she padded over to the animal and picked it up. The body was warm but not too warm, just how she liked it. Before she cut it open, she bowed her head at its snout. She knew the other NightWings didn't pay any sort of recognition or whatever to their prey. RainWings didn't even eat meat so... But it just felt right to Cocoa. It kind of sucks not fitting in, neither NightWing or RainWing, just...


The dragonet inspected the carcass once it was open. The most of the mammal was not affected, but when she opened the cranium a black sort of fire was spreading across its surface. She cut the brain out with one claw and threw it under the sand.

Over the years she had honed her venomous flames, they hardly hurt, maybe a little hot for comfort. The real deal was her venom. Of course, it had always been just a part of her fire but it used to poison and burn at the same time. Now she could control it and it felt more hers than it ever did, or at least as much as her own scales would ever feel like they belonged.

As she turned to Vine, ready to go, his eyes snapped in the direction of something over her shoulder. His leafy eyes sharpened like thorns and his scales turned a mottled green and angry red. The dragonet lifted himself into the air and landed behind her with a huge THOOM! In the sand. She whipped around and saw him baring his fangs at the desert.

"What the—? Vine! There's nothing there—" Cocoa started.

"So you're the ones who've been leavin' holes around in these parts." Said a voice in front of Vine.

That's when Cocoa noticed the shimmer along the sand, apart from the heat waves rising from the desert. There was a dragon clear as can be, crouched right there. The dragon had a leather pouch hanging from his neck, which made it easier to identify his shape. A SandWing! She hadn't seen very many SandWings up close other than that friend of Queen Glory, what was her name again? Oh! Sunny! But she was far from the visual of such a large SandWing so close to the Rainforest.

She lit up with a dull yellow of excitement.

"Get away from her..." Vine growled around his fangs.

There was something different in Vine's voice like a fern recoiling during the night, however familiar it is. The other dragon laughed and Vine instinctively began to shift into a sort of orange and purple, as if amused and irritated by this dragon. But as soon as it appeared, it was gone.

"What do you wa—? Who are you?" Vine said.

The other dragon seemed confused for a second but then he dawned a "charming" smirk. "Please! Please just relax, my lizard friend, I won't hurt you guys! I promise. It's just li'l ole' Snake here. No dragon special." He paused, "just're kind of breathin' fiery holes in the vicinity of my territory." Snake said trying to be humorous but failing.

Vine did not seem amused, if anything he got a streak of pale irritation. Cocoa had never seen him scared before. But then again he did seem very impatient with this dragon.

Before he could say anything to the SandWing, Cocoa cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, sir—"


"Uh, Snake...We mean no harm," she looked at Vine who reluctantly folded his wings but kept his lipped peeled ever so slightly. "I was just grabbing some lunch, we had no idea this area belonged to you—"

"Belonged to me? Oh, HAHAH! Good one little...weird dragonet thing—"

"She's got a name," Vine hissed.

"Vine!" Cocoa glared at him. "I'm Cocoa, by the way, and this here is Vine."

She elbowed him so that he muttered a relatively friendly greeting. Something along the lines of "keep away from her," or "flaming SandWing."

"Heh...well anywho, y'all seem like a friendly little couple—"

Cocoa blushed in dusty rose hues. Vine made a ferocious sound that cut the SandWing off almost immediately.

"Erm...well, I'm sure the desert won't mind."

"The desert...?" SandWings were a bit more...?

"Yes! The desert watches over each and every animal and grain of sand," Snake proceeded to lick the sand.


Snake slithered up to her and a very red Vine revealed some more of his fangs, but Snake was not bothered.

"And — as I was saying earlier — none of it truly belongs TO ANYDRAGON! HAHAH!"

"Um, I'm sorry. We really must be going..." Cocoa was very tempted to fly off with her meal in claw and Vine on her tail, but she didn't want to appear rude.

"No no, don't worry, I'm only kidding! Well partly. HAHAH!" Snake smiled.

Vine stepped up to the crazy dragon and looked him in the eye. "What. Do. You. Want."

It wasn't a question but Snake didn't seem to get that part. "Oh! I'm so glad you asked! So basically, let's just say I'm kind of looking for a place to stay, but I was wondering if you guys...Could take me! Ya see I'm a bit of an adventurer—"

Vine cut him off with his viridescent gaze.

"Um, well I'm sure Queen Glory wouldn't mind! She's very open-minded, you've heard of her right? She's one of the, well you know." Cocoa said.

The two didn't seem to be listening, especially Snake who was locked in by the RainWing's impressive stare.

It was an intense staring contest.

It seemed clear Vine would refuse but he seemed conflicted. His scales didn't show it, but I could just tell by the way his eyes flickered. I started to open my mouth to speak and then Vine stopped me, "Fine. Follow us."


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