coming out

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I wrote this on my computer in instead of my phone so sorry for any mistakes.

coming out is... stupid.



thats the answer you would get if you asked TJ kippen about coming out.

he would rather just avoid the topic. not get into it.

he would rather just ignore that part of him until he has to open it.

well that was before.

before he had a reason to want and do all of these things.

before he had cyrus goodman.

you see, tj had always liked cyrus, and then have already been together for almost two years, but he's family still don't know shit.

their close friend know, they always have, but no one except for them did.

cyrus had been out for a while but tj... not really.

cyrus, as much as he wanted to be able to kiss and hold tjs hand in public, wanted to give tj the time he needed, but even tj started to get annoyed with keeping them a secret.

they are both sitting on cyrus's bed, listening to music while cuddeling.

the sun had began to set, painting the room with a calming orange colour.

slipping through my fingers by ABBA starts playing.

cyrus is lying in TJs lap, his eyes closed, while tj is hugging him with one hand, the other one gentely stroking he's hair.

"i hate it, you know"

"what?", cyrus askes, not opening he's eyes yet.

"coming out," tj explain, cyrus opend his eyes, looking confused, "having to explain yourself to people, just so they can fit you into their stupid lable, when its all just words that humans gave these stupid lables".

"wel... i guess so. never had that much of a problem with it, but you dont have to do something you are not ready for," cyrus was now sitting in front of TJ.

"yeah, but it dont want to hide it, its who i am, i just dont want to have to explain everything to everyone. its... its a little scary," tj admmited, "humans have this pointless need to lable everything, and anybody who dosent fit in their little boxes has to be diffrent, an out cast, queer."

"well," cyrus got closer and leand on  the wall next to TJ, their legs and shoulders touching, "then don't. you don't have to do any of those things, even if people expect you to. you can just say you have a boyfriend and if they ask you just say you don't like to lable yourself. And if they have a problem with that, then fuck them."

TJ smiled softly, cyrus never swears.

"you know what," he said while interlocking their hands, "I just might do that".

"you see? you should always ask me for advice, I'm awesome", cyrus said with a little smirk.

tj laughed at his boyfriend, pulling him in and planting a kiss on his lips,

"you are underdog, you truly are amazing".

I was gonna write something totally different today, but then mister Daniel Howell came with THAT video (which I highly recommend watching) and writing anything else just felt worng.


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