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This story does contain self harm.
Also don't come for me because I made a 13 years old cut himself, it's something realistic that happens in real life. First time I did it I was 13 so I know.

Third person POV

Cyrus is sitting in the school bathroom, sobbing.
He was holding some toilet paper over his arm and you could see the pain on his face.
He couldn't believe he was so dumb to let himself full like this. How did he ever think that TJ kippen will be any different.

Another cut. He felt the pain as the cut started bleeding.
It hurt, but it felt good.
It's like he wanted to stop, but also didn't at the same time.
And he definitely couldn't.

He stoped crying when he hard the bathroom door open, preying who ever walked in wouldn't hear him.
"Cyrus...?" a familiar voice.
Cyrus's eyes went straight to the door lock.

He reached his hand but by the time he did the door was already opened.

When TJ opened the door he froze.
Cyrus dropped the scissors he was holding and just sat there, staring at TJ.

TJ's eyes went from Cyrus' wet face, to his hurt arm, to the scissors laying on the floor and back to his face. Tears starting to fill his eyes. When Cyrus saw them he just looked away, staring at the ground, not looking up, tearing falling down his face.

suddenly he felt TJ's wormth as he hugged him. Cyrus hugged back and cried into his chest.
They stayed like that for about two minutes until he stopped sobbing.

"Did you..." TJ's voice cracked, "did you do it because of me?" Cyrus looked at him, both of them crying, "I'm sorry..." Cyrus whispered quietly. TJ wiped Cyrus' tears, "no Cyrus I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just-"
"It's okay TJ it's not your fault. I'm just a worthless piece of shit okay, I know that" Cyrus said, not looking TJ in the eye.

"Hey," TJ said in a soft ton, "don't talk like that about someone I love, okay?" Cyrus looked up at him and saw a soft smile on his face. He smiled back and they stayed this way for a few seconds until TJ got up.

He reached his hand out and Cyrus grabbed it. "Now let's get you cleaned up okay?"

I know the end is not really... An end but I just wrote it in class cause I was bord and I'm just feeling kinda depressed this last few weeks. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna write another part of this but I'll see.
And think this last episode just kinda broke me.
Anyway I'll probably just write a bunch of sad one shots because I'm depressed and I don't have Tyrus (or Dan and Phil for that matter) to help me.

Tyrus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now