21-We Just Graduated!

Start from the beginning

"Ugh right! And I heard the ac sucks in there, it's gonna be awhile"I sigh, glancing at the long line up of graduates.

"I'm so proud of us, here we are together!"Andrea exclaimed.

"Yeah, some of us are just scattered around here"Hiccup points around as our group is mixed up.

I couldn't help but to smile, as it was about to begin.

"Oh sh#t! It's starting"Andrea excitingly get ready to march in as we follow.

All of us marched inside the auditorium as we saw tons of crowded people inside standing up, while the opening ceremony was going along.

We finally got to our assign seating on the stage of the auditorium, I look forward and saw families looking happy for their student to officially graduate, I then spot my Mom with Hiccup's family.

"I see our parents!"I point out for Hiccup.

We wave at our parents as they wave back.
I notice I was being stare at, as I spot Katrina giving me the hate stare but ignore her.

"This is gonna be awhile"Hiccup says, in a joking manner.

"Oh please it shouldn't take long"

3 hours later...

"Congratulations graduates of 2017!"

We thrown our caps in the air as the crowds starts cheering. Everyone was cheering and laughing as the music starts playing, we were escorted outside in the back to meet our families while they let us out first.

We were waiting for our parents to come behind the auditorium as the palace was quite exquisite seeing all the beautiful decorations and picture settings.


My Mother came running to me with the hugest hug ever"oh my baby! I'm so proud of you sweetie!".

"Aww Mom!"I giggled , hugging her back.

"Your Father would be proud!"Mom whispers to my ear.

"I wish he was here"My voice trembled.

"He is, in your heart"My Mom smiles.

"Thanks Mom!"I hug back.

"And you too!"My Mom went over to Tyler.

"Ugh thanks Aunt-"Tyler was interrupted by the tight hug.

Tyler than went towards me"we did it".

"We sure did!"I know he wasn't around much but he was always there no matter what.

I let go and look over at Hiccup as his Family congratulates him.

"Well done son!! I'm so damn proud of you!!"His Dad hugs him tightly.

"Ugh thanks Dad!"Hiccup grunts in happy pain.

"I'm so proud of you son!"his Mom Valka hugs him.

"Hey what about Uncle Gobber huh?!"Gobber comes over for a hug.

"Hey Gobber!"Hiccups gave him a hug.

"Congratulations lad! And you Lass, congratulations!!"He shakes my hand"your Father would be proud!".

"Thanks!"I smile"I'm sure he is"as I glance up in the sky.

"Hehe your old man must be smiling from Valhalla"Gobber looks up too.

I laugh as I look over Hiccup as he walks towards.

"Hey"He says

"Hey"I greet back.

"Listen I uhhh, would ya, I mean! Would you go t-t-to the prom with me?!"Hiccup asks, as we gotten closer.

I smile widely"of course you knucklehead!".

I went in for a kiss as he unexpectedly was surprised. He wrapped his arms around me as I wrap my hands around his neck, the only thing I heard was his Father saying that's my boy...

"Hey!! Hiccstrid!!"Snotlout yells out.

We broke our kiss and saw the gang coming towards us, cheering as all of us got together.

All of our parents then gather around us for pictures to be taken.

"Alright you guys! Get together!"Valka wave her hands for us to stand still properly.

"Say Berkian spirit!!".

"Berkian spirit!!!"

Me, Hiccup, Heather, Andrea, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout, Jack, Elsa, Annie, Tyler, & Cami.

We broke our position as the group chatter over the things they accomplished and plans for the prom. I walk over to Hiccup.

"You okay?"He says, holding my arms as I look at him.

"Never better Boo"I giggled, I look over his shoulder and saw Ethan standing in the distance, but I shook myself and he was gone.

"What is it?"Hiccup looks behind him.

"It's nothing! C'mon looks like our teachers are coming over"I hold his hand as we walk towards them with our group.

"Attention students! Don't forget to get your prom tickets before tomorrow special day!!"one of the teachers announced.

Prom Night tomorrow here we come...

He's My Boo (Hiccstrid) UNDER REVIEW Where stories live. Discover now