chapter 6 - Truth

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Evelyn's pov
After we got to the restaurant we line up to order some food, after a bit it's our turn to order.

"What do you want?" max asked me.

"I will have a...." I keep thinking about what to order to what to eat for the last time, I keep thinking while looking at the menu.

"I will order a grilled beef," I said smiling but I wanna cry right now, cause this will be the last.

"Okay then I will have the same," max said ordering the food, I look down as he orders our food.

"Max, I will go to the washroom I will be back," I said excusing myself, cause I wanna cry.

"Okay but don't take too long I will find us a table too," he said and I nod and walk to the washroom after I got there I break down into tears.

"W-why did this happen to me? What did I even do to deserve this? Why me!?" I said crying but after crying for like 20 seconds I can't feel tears coming out, I touch my cheeks it's now dry and I touch my eyes no tears were coming out even I'm crying hard right now.

"W-What's happening why is there no tears?" I ask myself freaking out.

"Cause your body is slowly dying, remember you only have until tomorrow, make this the memorable date of you and max, fix your relationship" I heard that voice saying it I look up and saw the angel.

"I will..." I said still crying but the difference here is that no tears are coming out.

"Make sure to smile," the angel said.

"I-i will even it's hard..." I said looking at her.

"Go now and go to the max," the angel said smiling at me.

"But do I look like I cried?" I asked the angel.

"Honey like I said your body is slowly dying you don't look like you cry or hurt inside just put a smile on," the angel said I just nod at her.

"Don't worry before saying goodbye to max I will make you stronger tomorrow remember you only have until tomorrow's night" the angel said smiling at me.

"I-i will, thank you. I will go now max is waiting," I said and bow to her and she disappeared, I walk out and saw max sitting on a table waiting for the food, he didn't notice me so I just look at him from afar.

"Please be happy even I'm gone," I said to myself as I sigh I then put on a fake smile and walk to him smiling.

"Oh Evelyn, what took you so long?" he asked me.

"My mom called me..." I said lying again, all I can do is lie and lie.

"Oh how is she?" he asked me about my mom, now I have to lie again.

"She is doing great," I said with a smile on my face, the truth is my mom is crying on my almost dead body at the hospital she is sad and telling me to wake up.

"Oh okay that's good, anyway when are you gonna move?" he said asking me, well I guess more lies.

"Tomorrow's midnight," I said and I can see that he looks sad.

"So is this the last time I'm gonna see you?" he asked me.

"No silly, we will hang out tomorrow morning," I said giggling at him.

"That's great," He said smiling.

"Ma'am, sir here is your order," the waitress said giving us our food.

"Thank you~," both of us said.

"Shall we eat?" He asked me

"Let's eat," I said smiling even it's fake, this is the last time I'm gonna eat grill beef.

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