chapter 5- our "second date"

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Evelyn's pov
I just got to the hospital just in time, before I go in I remove the jacket that max let me barrow and go inside the room, I saw my mom crying to my body that was still not waking up while my soul is just looking at my mom crying I can't do anything, I hug her and I know she can't feel that I stand up and walk to the couch on the room, I lay down trying to sleep, yes I can still sleep

I woke up and I walk out of the room I saw my mom still sleeping, of course, she can't see me even I wore the black jacket, people only can see me if I was with max, when I was outside the room I look for the black jacket that max let me barrow and the black jacket is still there where I left it, I went to my house to change my clothes to not white or else I have to wear this jacket again

(At Evelyn's house)
I arrive and no one's home I guess my dad already is at work, he visits me in the hospital every day after his work so I will be good to go, I walk to my room and wore a pink sweater and black pants and black shoes.

It's simple but it's better than nothing now I have to go to see max again, I still have my phone on my room I charge it for a while until it was 50 percent good thing it's only 7:00 am cause I can still see max, I texted max to meet me to the park and he said 'okay' so I got up and lock the house and went to the park

(At the park)
I was sitting on the bench waiting for him he said he's gonna sneak out again don't worry this will just last for seven days this is the second day I hope I can fix this fast, just then I saw him walking to me.

"Max," I said and run to him and hug him, I miss hugging him, I was so surprised he huggged me back, I hug him even tighter, I missed his hugs too I waited for 2 years for him, but I can't stay here a little longer a tear fall on my cheeks and I realize it and wipe it before I pull out of the hug when I pull out of the hug I look at him.

"Sorry I made you skip school again...." I said apologizing.

"Why don't we just meet up in school?" he asked which made me question what is my excuse this time.

"O-oh....i don't go to school. anymore like I told you I'm gonna go soon..." I said creating a story

"Oh yeah...I guess that makes sense" He said and I just smile to hide all my lies.

"When are you gonna go anyway?" he asked me as we walk together.

"I don't know...maybe this week" I said as we continue to walk.

"Oh okay...." he said in a low tone

"Anyway, I hope you can be happy, and sorry for making you my fake boyfriend for 7 days..." I said apologizing while we continue to walk he just looked at me.

"Yeah...I think I can be happy, Well I hope you can be happy too, And it's alright for making me your fake boyfriend for 7 days, At least we can hang out before you go" he said, well if only he knows If I'm gone he can't see me anymore cause... I'm done, I'm leaving this world.

"Anyway, Evelyn I wanna ask you something," He said suddenly

"What is it?" I ask him looking at him while we stop walking.

"You been acting strange lately, First you don't like the color white second you why didn't you eat bbq this past 2 years, third Why are you leaving so suddenly?" He said we now I'm screwed.

"W-well people change," I said smiling at him.

"Yeah, anyway where should we go now?" he asked changing the topic so sudden.

"Let's eat I bet you're hungry," I said smiling brightly

"Well yeah.." he said scratching the back of his head.

"Btw, why are you not wearing a school uniform?" I ask him feeling weird.

"Well you see, when you text me I was getting ready for school but I decided to go with you," he said smiling that made me melt.

"Well that's odd you never skip school before," I said being suspicious at him.

"Well people change," he said laughing.

"Hey! That's my line" I said as we both start laughing after that we went to the nearest restaurant.

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