They're scared • All

Começar do início

"Let's uh... go into the kitchen for a bit" you said, pushing Near away from the room.

"Did you get it?" He asked.

"Yeah, but it'll probably still be poisonous for a few minutes"



You paused and sighed, pulling Near into your arms.

"No scary spiders will touch you. I'll get it once the room doesn't smell like chemicals..."


Ah yes, needles. How he hated them. Getting vaccines was ok... they're over relatively fast but when it came to other things like drawing blood he would rather jump off a bridge.

And guess where he was today? The doctor. This idiot had broken his ankle in a motorcycle mishap and had to be treated. While he was there the doctors insisted they run some other tests to make sure he didn't have a concussion or any other injuries... that involved drawing blood.

So it was a rather unusual sight to the doctor. A tall, tough looking guy in fill leather attire cowering into his girlfriend at the sight of a needle was definitely something he hadn't seen before.

This man has burn scars over half his body and managed to do fine with that... and he was scared of a needle?

"Mells, it'll be over quick" you said.

"But it hurts!" He complained.

"And do does burns and vaccines and you manage to get through that"

"Yeah but you can feel the blood leaving your veins and I HATE that. It stings..."

"Jeez, for someone so tough and the boss of things you're a real wimp sometimes"

"Shut up (y/n)..."

You grabbed his arm and held it out.

"Do it before he changes his mind" you told the doctor.

Mello kept a tight grip on you and looked away as the needle entered his skin. I'm not even a minute it was over and patched up.

"See? It's not that bad" you said.

Mello looked down at the little bandaid over his arm.

"It still hurt..."


Surprisingly Matt wasn't a big fan of the dark. The shadows and such freaked him out. As someone who was night terrors as a child, being in total darkness scared him. If there's some light then it's fine, but if it's pitch black he can't deal with that.

So you always have to have a hall light or night light on when going to bed. But today that wasn't able to happen as there's been a power cut. You didn't happen to have any candles in the house either so you were kind of screwed. Luckily it went out just as you were about to go to bed, so it's not like you really needed anything on anyway. But Matt was not having it.

He spent way too long looking for a torch or candle or something that would give off light, and when he couldn't find anything he just crawled into your arms and pulled the blankets over his head so he couldn't see anything around him.

"There's nothing there Matt, I can assure you" you said, gently rubbing his back.

"But what if there is and it's just too dark and you can't see it?!" He replied.

"There's definitely not, the window is letting in the moonlight and the streetlights, it's dark but I can see the room clearly enough"

He pulled the blankets back slightly.

"Are you sure?"


He pulled the blankets back some more and looked skeins jumping when he saw something against the wall.

"Then what's that!" He panicked, pointing to a shadow on the wall.

"My trench coat" you replied.

"Are you sure?"


He was silent for a moment, the realised you were right.

"Ok..." he mumbled.

"Just try and get some sleep and the power will be back in the morning. I'm right here, there's nothing to be afraid of"


Due to being bought up as a straight A student he's always been scared of failing anything. He doesn't want to disappoint his parents or anyone rooting for him.

So when he seems to be on the road to failure he'll work his absolute ass off to try and fix things and get them back on track.

"Hey, you haven't used the death note today?" You asked.

"I can't, my grades dropped below a 60% because I wasn't paying attention and thinking too much about the death note. I have to pick them up for my parents are gonna kill me and I'll never get past the entrance exams and I'll never get my degree and-"

"Woah woah. Slow down. You're only below a 60? That's still a pass"

"It's not good enough! I have to do better! I can't fail I can't... I'll be disappointing everyone" he panicked.

He tried to get back into studying but it was hard to focus with all the worry in his mind.

"Hey, don't worry about this so much. You're the top of the class there's no way someone will surpass you. You'll pass no matter what. You won't be disappointing anyone ok? Just calm down and we can work through this section together. I payed attention all last week so I can help got it?"

He took a breath and turned to you.

"Ok... thanks (y/n)"

Death Note ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora