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Alexandra felt on edge as Dimitri stopped beside the pen of a large chestnut horse, so deep brown he almost looked red "This is brownie", Alexandra's lips tilted in amusement.

She moved closer to the massive steed, taking in the small gold chain around its neck that signified it's status as a purebred and a royal horse. "you named your prized stallion brownie?" she whispered, not really believing him. 

He gave her a half smile, the humor not fully touching his eyes "mhm, my sister actually gave him his name, she loved his coat" 

She was really on a roll with being insensitive, first with Amid and now with Dimitri, she wondered when she would be of use.

The cool breeze took her off guard and she moved closer to the warmth radiating off Dimitri, the stallion watching them intently.

"you must miss her?" he turned to look at her, lips tight "She would be about twenty now, I have a feeling she'd also be embarrassed by the name" he avoided the question but she didn't think it would be right to pressure him into something he was ready for, smiling tenderly, she said softly "You seem to love it though".

He looked away, patting the horse and gathering saddle, she wondered what else Gwen left behind and just how much her death broke his family apart and she wondered if they'd ever mend it.

"come Alex"

He gestured for her to take his hand, and for a brief moment, she wondered if she was being reckless by putting her trust in him but it was all washed away when he tugged her closer, guiding her to run her hands down Brownie's soft coat.

She was so close to him that the scent of his aftershave overpowered even the smell of the stable. Alexandra tried to control herself so as not to greedily breathe him in, he turned, almost as if sensing her turmoil. she could feel her hands become clammy as his natural earthy musk coiled around her and messed with her senses.

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll have you Alexandra" licking her lips, she looked away just as he questioned her.

" are you ready to get on?"

she felt his large warm hands just below her backside and tried not to shiver if he realized just how dangerously close his hands were, he didn't comment on it and just as she sat comfortably on the saddle, he hoisted himself up and she was now nestled between his powerful legs.

"Lean into me, relax" his hot breath fanned her neck and she had the urge to shout 'who would be relaxed in this situation' but refrained from embarrassing herself further, she thought it was bad enough how she sank into him like a wounded cat that day in the doctors office and she wasn't ready to do a replay.

They rode through a vast green clearing, brownie's gait smooth and luxurious, The cold wind beating against her face and the warmth of Dimitri at her back made the ride even more memorable.

They came to a stop by a small stream, Brownie heading for a drink while Dimitri tried to take her down, she giggled, as a fretful expression fleeted across his face "Did you think he'd run off with me?" she teased, Dimitri looked her dead in the eye, his lips twitching "who wouldn't?"

She swallowed the wave of desire that swelled in her stomach as he lifted her from the horse "I brought you here so we could discuss something serious" he muttered and Alexandra shook her head fiercely.

"Let's not do that today, I think that's all we've been doing, especially you. it won't make us bad people to just be, will it?" she asked meekly, almost preparing for a lecture, he was the King after all, busy busy.

He took her off guard when he smiled softly and hummed in agreement "whatever my Queen wants". 

she flushed and he pulled her close "What would you like to do?" he asked softly and she bit her lip, hesitating. 

It was an intimate thing to ask someone to show you their wolf, it was a sign of interest and usually reserved for the full moon, but Dimitri was an Alpha and the King, he could change without the full moon and Alexandra really wanted to see him.

It didn't make sense that she did though, she reasoned, the experience had been terrifying, but at the same time, she didn't want to be terrified of something as natural as one's wolf. she braced herself.

 "I didn't get to see you fully, last time, I heard the royal bloodline could shift without the full moon, I want to see you," she said with feigned confidence.

He quirked an eyebrow before reaching for the dress shirt he wore, unbuttoning it slowly "a tree is right there" she muttered turning from him, she heard his soft chuckle and the soft ruffle of clothes sliding off him.

playing with her cornrows caught in a low bun she resisted the urge to turn and get a glimpse, she reasoned that there was no harm, he was her future husband, and with the threat of them maybe not even making it to their wedding night, she wondered if she should be enjoying as much of him as she could.

She had seen Alec's first change with her own eyes and had cried all night, it had looked painful, his changes afterward he described as just slightly uncomfortable, she wondered what Dimitri's change was like. 

Before she could turn to sneak a look, a wet nose pushed against her shoulder and she turned to see a large black beast.

Her eyes widened in awe, the sunlight gleamed off his coat and cast a shadow by its impressive six-foot frame 

"Dimitri" she whispered breathlessly as dark red eyes locked with hers, he rest his head on her thighs and remained like that until the sun went below the horizon

"Do you think we'll have a day as peaceful as this in the near future?" she asked softly, the wind softly bathing them in cool fresh air, her hand in Dimitri's fur petting him.

Dimitri snorted, and she took as a no, they wouldn't be having a moment like this for a while and the reason why was starting to become clearer to her.

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