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The minute Alexandra walked into the circular room filled with five Alpha daughters and the Queen, she was glad she had dressed the way she had, nothing made her feel more at home than the condescending and snarky looks they threw her way.

They were all decked out in their best brunch gowns, delicate summery dresses that blinded Alexandra.

"Alexandra, how nice of you to join us" the Queen greeted her icily, Alexandra smiled tightly in acknowledgement, taking the golden brown seat beside the Queen as the King stood beside her, she didn't bat an eye at the wide eyed stares some of the Ladies threw her way, she was a hundred percent sure that the seat was meant for the King, but that was the least of her problems, it was like instinct to show them that as long as she was there, she was above them.

There was a pause before the Queen returned to speaking to the ladies, each hanging on to her every word.

"To be a concubine of the King is no small feat, of course the King has to pleased with you, but you'll only get so far with his favor, i'm your real challenge" She turned to Alexandra, her words tense.

"I am sure Alexandra will soon be able to tell you how tiring the process of becoming the Queen, but i'm sure she'll breeze through all her lessons" She smiled wickedly and Alexandra's hands balled in a fist noting the sarcasm lacing the Queens words. The ladies didn't miss it either.

She returned the Queens smile, " of course"

"I absolutely adore your dress" the Queen made emphasis on her words as she lightly fingered the dress of one of the ladies, Alexandra resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"I was hoping that each lady would have a one on one with the King" the Queen said as an after thought as she rose "but I suppose -"

Alexandra raised a finger, a friendly smile on her face "don't allow me to impede on your lessons, your majesty" the queen actually looked satisfied for a moment until Alexandra finished her statement.

"Dimitri and I would love to meet the ladies" Alexandra didn't miss the way the Queen seemed to stiffen and she smiled, pleased with herself, it wasn't like her to feel this territorial about anything but just the thought of what exactly the Queen had planned for her son and these ladies made bile rise in her throat.

She tried to tell herself that this was for show, they needed to think this was legit and she prayed to God she could trust Dimitri as much as her senses wanted her to.

"That's a very good idea" she heard the King say when the Queen remained unmoved.

If glares could kill.

The Queen's lips quivered in a broken smile, "as you wish, Cynthia"

The King led Alexandra through the corridors into the yard where they stoodd in a gazebo . It would've been a perfect spot for a brunch date and Alexandra watched the King as he stood beside her waiting for the lady to arrive, he had a sharp jaw line, well defined cheek bones and hooded eyes that always made him look interesting and she couldn't believe this was the man she was to marry - the King.

Cynthia was a flirtatious little thing who, Alexandra thought, didn't know her dress size. She couldn't stop trailing her eyes towards the woman,s bosom, that seemed to spill from the gown she wore, but Dimitri kept a straight face, his eyes boring into the womans intently as he asked question after question and her stomach twisted.

Either he was a very good actor or he truly was looking for a concubine, because he didn't believe in Alex?, because he actually wanted it? she was filled with so much doubt it was driving her crazy.

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