•Chapter Nine •Fall Dance Fever•

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I wake up pretty early for a Saturday. It's 7:15 but I get up and get ready anyway. As much as I love sleeping in, I hardly ever do, and the latest I've ever slept in is probably like 9:00.

After I get ready, I get a text from Rapunzel. She's a morning person too, and always gets up at like 7:00.

Are you and Anna busy today?

No, not that I can think of. Why?

We should all go to the mall or something!

That sounds great! Ill tell Anna! Punzie wants to go to the mall every Saturday. But, I'm in a good mood today, so why not?

Meet you there at 11:00. Ill text Merida and let her know :):):)

I laugh before putting my phone down. Waking up Anna and Merida is gonna be impossible!

Being cautiously quiet, I sneak down into Anna's room.

"Anna? Wake up!" I say quietly.

"Anna? Annnnnna? ANNNA!" Even my yelling doesn't wake her. I sigh and sit next to her on the bed. I lean down to her ear. "Anna? I ate all the chocolate."

Suddenly, her eyes flash open and she bolts straight up, nearly punching my face in the process. Classic Anna!

"Alright, I'm up!" She smiles and gets up.

"We're gonna go to the mall with Punzie and Merida. Go get ready!" I leave her room to wait for her.

I go get ready myself. Since it's Saturday, I just wear a simple white shirt with pink drawn hearts all over it and plain jeans. Anna comes down wearing a pink flowy top and lime green jeans.

"Alight let's go!" She runs out to the car, and we head to the mall.

"Hey guys!" I say, walking over to Rapunzel and Merida.

"Hey! So, I was thinking, with the fall dance coming up, we should all go dress shopping!" Rapunzel squeals excitedly. She's always in charge of the dance, and gets overly excited for it every year.

"Um... Do any of us even have dates?" I ask. Merida shakes her head.

"Well, I do..." Anna looks down. She got asked last night by some guy named Hans. He's a senior, and classic jerk, so I'm not too excited about it.

"... Well... But we should anyway! I have to go whether I have a date or not, and the rest of you should come too!! You don't have to have a date to have fun!" Rapunzel looks at us excitedly.

Merida rolls her eyes. "Fine, let's jus get this over with." Rapunzel squeals again and we all run over to the dress store.

Anna and Rapunzel try on a dress first. Anna tries on a bright yellow one with a ruffled skirt and sleeves that slide just over the shoulder (kind of like belle from beauty and the beast). Rapunzel tries on a lavender dress that goes just above her knees. It has pink beads along the empire waist and transparent tulle cap sleeves.

"These are really cute!" Anna exclaims.

"Hmmm I love Punzie's dress, but I don't think yours really suits you, Anna." I examine her dress. "It's too mature and fancy. Especially for a more casual dance."

Anna looks over her dress and frowns. "Yeah, you're right. Okay, Your turn!"

Merida and I go next, taking hours to find dresses. I finally find three different blue dresses and one purple one that I like. It's takes much longer to find a dress that Merida likes, considering she doesn't really like dresses. Finally we get her to try two green dresses, one orange one, and a blue one.

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