33 ~ Final Trial

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The rest of the weekend felt happier, except whenever Clark was brought up in the conversation or Kara saw something that reminded her of him.

Kara started walking into the living room talking to Alex that was beside her. But then she got a glimpse of the stretcher, that Clark was laying on, leaning against the wall. She stopped talking and froze. Alex swiveled he head that was facing Kara, towards the stretcher. She instantly looked back at the sad girl next to her. Kara now had a tear streaming down her cheek. Alex rubbed her back soothingly and tried calming her.


School was better. No real reminders of him. There was an assembly honoring him, and his death. Kara cried during it, Mon el and Alex on both sides of her, soothing her and helping her get all of it out.

After school she had some alone time, with Mon el. She would sometimes miss her complete alone time. But she was willing to trade it in for time with him. Moving in was a really big step. And Clark... Everything was finally coming together. Everything had finally stopped. The drama had almost come to an end. Speaking of end, graduation was close. Kara wasn't graduating high school quite yet though, one more year.

As they walked into the house with their hands together with their fingers woven together. They dropped their stuff at the door, Kara plopped onto the couch and spread herself across the cushions.

She groaned into one of the pillows with her back facing up and her stomach flat on the couch. "What's wrong babe?" Mon el asked and sat by her feet.

"I don't know." She sighed and sat up next to him. "I guess I'm just annoyed with myself?" She questioned

"Why annoyed? You should be proud." He corrected. She looked at him confused. "Your strong Kara. You'll overcome this, you have with everything else."

She smiled lightly, but then it went upside down. "This is different. I really didn't think that Clark would die. He's survived though so much, fought things that I can't even imagine." She convinced herself.

"I'm sure he has." He agreed. She looked up at him in pure innocence. Her eyes sparkling and bright blue, like comets. "But you have too. And yes, I really didn't think so either. But he did. But his legacy will forever live on. As Superman, and Kal el your cousin, a great leader and friend." He smiled.

Kara's smile came back, even wider than before, with a tear running down it. "Thank you." She whispered. He nodded and opened his arms.

She leaned in and laid her head on his chest, and his arms rapped around her. Her tear dripped off her skin and onto his shirt, making a small stain of salty water. Everything was going to be okay. That what she kept saying to herself. It was going to be okay.

Eight years later

Kara stood there, 25 years old, terrified. She couldn't go through with it, she just couldn't. Her head spun, and her stomach churned.

"Alex, I don't think that I'm ready. Maybe we can do it some other time? Like, uuh... Like next week?" She stuttered to her sister.

"No! We are not rescheduling again!" Alex protested. "Besides, I want to see you in that dress. So please come out and show me." She huffed.

Kara stood there behind the white dressing screen, unwilling to love from the spot she had decided to plant her feet. "Don't make me go back there." Alex threatened.

"Fine, I'm coming." She rolled her eyes and took one last look in the small mirror she had in there. She took a deep breath and took a step out, revealing one of her legs in beautiful white shiny high heels. She took another, followed by a few more nervous paces. She stood in front of her sister with her face bright red with blush.

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