32 ~ Till Tomorrow

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When they arrived at the Danvers house, they both walked in and hung up their coats. Mon el had his super suit in his back pack in case of emergency, which was helpful since he hadn't known that the bank was coming that day, and now he could keep it. Kara lead him into her room. She plopped her bad down on the bed and sat next to it.

"You can stay in here if you want." She shrugged. "I'm probably going to have to ask Eliza though." She bit her lip.

"Will she mind if I stay in here?" He asked.

"Maybe. I actually don't know." She answered confusing herself. "But you can leave your stuff in here until then."

"Okay." He agreed and dropped his bag by the door.  He walked over to her and sat beside her bag. She smiled and scooched closer to him. He grinned and put his arms around her, his hands hooked around his wrists right above her waist. Their faces only inches apart once again.

"Hi." She greeted quietly.

"Hi." He whispered in a raspy voice. Their smiles continued as their lips met. Placing messy kisses on each other's mouths. They pulled away, and Kara heard the front door open.

She sprung up from the bed, ripping away from him. She rushed out of her room and into the living room. "Hey Eliza!" Kara waved.

"Someone's happy." She replied cheerfully.

"Yes." Kara agreed. Eliza nodded and smiled at her adopted daughter. She was a bit scared at first when she heard someone stir in Kara's room. Mon el walked out of her room and stood next to Kara.

"It's good to see you Mon el." She waved. He smiled and waved back awkwardly.

"You too Ms. Danvers." He said back.

"Actually... He's looking for a place to stay, and I was wondering if he could stay here?" Kara slipped out carefully.

"But I thought he was with the Matthews?" She puzzled.

"I was—but they kinda, sorta, left for National city a few days before I was abducted a second time." He joked trying to lighten the mood. After Eliza didn't crack a smile, his grin waned quickly. "Kara told me that you probably wouldn't mind if I crashed here. And it would mean a lot if you said yes."

"You can stay here. I won't throw you out onto the streets." She nodded. "I suppose you'll be sleeping in Kara's room?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." He joked. When he heard no one laugh or smile he apologized, "sorry."

"Just..." Eliza began not knowing what to say. "Try to keep control of your teenage hormones and cravings." She sighed. She smiled and Kara, then at Mon el, and then walked out into the kitchen. They turned around and saw Alex sitting on the couch watching them.

"Don't worry. I keep a white noise machine in my room, just in case." Alex smirked, and then winked at them.

"Oh shut up." Kara rolled her eyes. She took her boyfriend's hand and tugged him over to the couch. They sat next to Alex, who was still softly giggling from her comment. They flicked on the tv, and started going through channels.


The next morning was sunny, kind of warm compared to the other temperatures that week. It was finally another weekend, so they could sleep in. But Eliza was out, she left the house early. Alex had something she had to do early that morning. So there was only two teenagers left in the house.

Mon el's Point Of View

As I slowly came to, I saw a blurted face in front of me. I smiled knowing that it was Kara. The curtains were streamed open, letting the sun light leak in through the window. Her eyes finally opened, happy bright blue pools for iris's. As she looked at me, her mouth gradually formed a wide smile streaking across her face showing some teeth. I smiled wider in joy. We stayed in that moment for a little while.

She raised one of her arms and put it around me, scootching closer. "Let's just stay here for a little while longer, okay?" She sighed happily, getting comfortable, and laying her head on my chest. I flipped over onto my back as she laid on her side.

I put my arm around her with my hand on her shoulder. Her hand was slowly moving in circle
motions on my thin shirt. "For how long?" I murmured.

She sighed quietly. "Till tomorrow." She answered softly. I laughed at her comment and lowered my arm from behind my head to my side.

"Okay, we'll get up tomorrow." I joked. I looked down at her as she continued to rub by chest slowly and I rubbed the side of her shoulder. I took my arm out of under the blanket and placed my hand on the jewel on her necklace that hung around her neck. "Hey, you always wear this. It's beautiful." I muttered, admiring the necklace.

"It was my mother's." She said, lightly taking it with her hand that was on me. She fingered it with her thumb and index finger.

"Really?" I muttered putting my arm back behind my neck, my hand cupping the back of my head.

"Yeah, she gave it to me the day I left Krypton." She explained. I groaned softly in agreement moving slightly to be comfortable. "I had just watched little Kal el launch into space..." She stuttered.

I watched her get choked up at her cousins name. I lowered my hand that was on her shoulder to her back and rubbed it soothingly. "You okay?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She nodded convincingly. "Our world was falling apart around her, even in the middle of that she still looked at me and smiled and said: 'as long as I had this I would never be alone.'" She finished.

She looked up at me and snuggled her face up to my chin. "I know we can stay all day, but can we stay a little while longer, please?" She pleaded. I smiled and kissed the top of the forehead.

"Of course we can. Anything for you." I answered and snuggled my head back to where it was. I felt her smile against the skin on my chin and neck.

No one's Point Of View

They slept for another hour, and then got up finally. Mon el made breakfast, which they ate happily. That cancelled Prom this year, which was a real bummer. But no one was too sad about it. It was only a dance.

After they finished eating, Kara picked up their plates and carried them over to the sink. Mon El slowly followed and walked behind her as she started washing them. He arched his hands on her hips and buried his face in her neck. He started placing kisses from beneath her cheek, down her neck to the tip of her shoulder. She giggled as she felt his lips crawl down her neck.

"Mon el, what are you doing?" She asked goofily.

"Giving you the affection you deserve." He whispered against her skin, sending a slight chill down her spine. "Since prom was cancelled, I can't dance with you then, and show you my love then... So I'm trying to do it now."

"Is that how you think it works?" She laughed.

"Well yeah. That's what it was like on Daxam." He lifted his head up, and rested his hands on her waist.

"This is not Daxam. Thank Rou for that." She turned around to see him.

"So... I shouldn't show you my feelings now?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"You can, but a dance isn't the only place emotions are shown." She answered. "They're shown everywhere." She smiled.

He kissed her lips lightly and pulled away with their faces still close. "Like here?" He asked. She nodded. He kissed her again.

"What's going on with you today?" She giggled pulling away slowly.

"Just thanking you." He shrugged.

"For what?"

"Everything. And letting me stay here." He finished.

"I see." She smiled and dove in for another kiss.

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