Chapter 33: Being the best

Depuis le début

I got what was happening, it wasn't hard to guess. Brody was jealous but he was trying to be mature about it. He had no reason to be jealous of Robbie, Robbie's my best friend but that's it. He always was the jealous type though.

"Things aren't like that with Robbie,  you know that Brody." I sighed.

"Yeah sorry." He apologised. "I guess I still get jealous."

"It's fine. I was feeling the same way when I heard about you and Taylor." I told him.

"I wouldn't go near her Marls, she's no you." He told me

It was clear he still had a lot of feelings for me... I thought when he dumped me he would just forget about me and move on straight away but he hasn't.

"So what have you been doing the last six weeks?" I asked him.

"Running, everyday, twice a day and I go to the gym four times a week." He replied. "I've been putting a lot of work in."

"Why?" I asked him.

"So I can beat you." He smirked. "And I just want to be the best at it, not to sound cocky but like running is one of the things I'm good at and I want to keep being the good at it."

"I still reckon I'm better." I laughed. "I did beat you before."

"Rematch?" Brody suggested. "To the park, fastest wins."

"Oh you're so on." I smirked.

"Ok. Ready? Go!" Brody exclaimed then we both took of sprinting.

Brody and I ran beside each other at our full potential speed. He was getting ahead of me and I tried not to look at him cause he might distract me so I kept focused straight ahead. I felt under a lot of pressure, Brody had gotten faster either that or I've been slacking.

Brody and I ran as fast as we could for a few minutes before we saw the park that we were approaching and we both gave it our all. We were only a few seconds away from it and Brody got ahead of me and he won... He beat me... I didn't know how to feel, well I was surprised of course but annoyed at myself too. How did he beat me?

"Yes!" Brody exclaimed. "I knew I'd win."

"Ok so I'm a bit out of practise." I shrugged. "That doesn't mean you're faster than me though!"

"It kinda does Marls." Brody laughed. "What happened to you Marls? I thought cheerleaders were supposed to be fast."

"I am fast!" I pushed him. "I guess I just need a little more training."

"My dad will be so proud I beat you." Brody smirked.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna work my butt off so I can beat you again."

"Ok then we'll train together." Brody smiled.

"Can Robbie train with us too?" I asked him and his smile faded.

"Sure." He shrugged. "Come on, we'll just walk back."

I knew asking about Robbie would have annoyed Brody but I needed to ask. Robbie is staying here to help me so the least I can do is make him feel included whenever he's here.

"So what's the plan?" Brody asked next. "What are we doing together, getting them all together, throwing them into the room and locking the door until they become friends again?"

"Oh no, I'm going to see Danny." I replied.

"Your social worker and shrink?" He asked me.

"He's not my social worker or my shrink anymore." I shrugged. "I haven't seen him in a while so we're going for lunch and maybe I can get his advice on some of the things that are going on around here. So will you come?"

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